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Comments (20)
4113881 tn?1415850276
ActingBrandNew, Apr 02, 2014
Yes....2 frozen thawed every Sunday
4810126 tn?1503942735
EvolverU, Apr 02, 2014
Most definitely a labor of love.
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katmandu516, Jan 31, 2015
OMG! Just so not my cup of tea...But a cool pic nevertheless!!  Loving your tats..
5986700 tn?1380791380
spider6, Jan 31, 2015
Lived with boa's for awhile years ago.  Used to let one hang from the dining room chandelier.  Buddy didn't have a proper environment for him..kept him in his closet....always getting out and finding them n weird places.  Pythons....they get bigger don't they or does it depend on the size of their living area?  Great photo, would make a nice peice as "muse"  for a painting.
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katmandu516, Jan 31, 2015
OMG Spidey-  You cease to amaze me each day...You are a real animal person..and a snake person now!  I guess I have lived a very sheltered life..Yeah maybe draw a pic of a snake a REPLACE it with the one you have now..LOL Just kidding...:)
You rock sista!
163305 tn?1333668571
orphanedhawk, Jan 31, 2015
I love snakes ! It's too bad they've had such a bad rap for so long. Thanks for the photo of this beautiful specimen.
317787 tn?1473358451
Dee1956, Feb 01, 2015
WOAH!!! That is a picture!
10175413 tn?1427170251
Ekkiemom, Feb 02, 2015
Hi ABN...FREAKIN AWESOME BALL PYTHON MAN!!!  Is it a male? Nature is awesome right!  So do you feed it pinkies yet?
Hope this finds you well...
4113881 tn?1415850276
ActingBrandNew, Feb 02, 2015
I never had it sexed so I named him/her Sandy which is a universal name:) He is big now so I feed him adult Mice. @ Ekkiemom
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katmandu516, Feb 02, 2015
Oh say it isn't