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My humble cabin that keeps me warm, nestled in my apple orchard.
My humble cabin that keeps me warm, nestled in my apple orchard.
Comments (19)
495284 tn?1333894042
dominosarah, Dec 04, 2008
I think it looks great..........peaceful and cozy.
401786 tn?1309152034
Jacqui805, Dec 04, 2008
It sure does!, is that The Big Bad Wolf lurkin' back there?  Hmmm
611067 tn?1458591483
HelpinUtah, Dec 04, 2008
I love it!  I want snow - oh wait, Utah is getting snow today in the mountains and it's beautiful!!!!  But, that picture really looks cozy and peaceful!
495284 tn?1333894042
dominosarah, Dec 04, 2008
You have an apple orchard???
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Dec 04, 2008
lol ... Does 14 apple trees constitute an orchard ?? Regardless, that's what I call it. lol  Planted two Pear trees and two Plum trees a couple years back as well. The plums died. Couldn't handle the Winter even though they were rated for my zone. I will try again in spring with a different variety. Also have to put in more Asparagus. I yield a lot, but its not enough... lol  I love the stuff on the grill.  Hey, On the right under the apple trees is the satellite that keeps me sane by allowing me to stay in contact with all my "MedHelp Homeys" !!  Thanks for the comments. Its not much, but its paid for and I'm content.  ..... Burrpatch
401786 tn?1309152034
Jacqui805, Dec 04, 2008
I think your place is great dude..... and what kind of apple trees do you have Burrpatch?  Do you make pies or what with them all?
495284 tn?1333894042
dominosarah, Dec 04, 2008
I am coming over for asparagus.........I love that stuff!!!!  I will bake a pie while we are eating!!!!
203342 tn?1328737207
April2, Dec 04, 2008
I'd love to have some fruit trees.
Did you build this cabin yourself? Do you have any neighbors or are you pretty far out?
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Dec 04, 2008
They are "Old World" apples That the German settlers planted though out the area. When I first arrived here 12 years ago they were in bad shape from under maintenance and feeding. I fed them, pruned them and sprayed for the usual blights and bugs. It took a couple years, but now they produce a nicely rounded apple that is quite tasty. Much like a Macintosh. Yum, Yum. lol  Apples have always been my favorite fruit. I use them for eating, apple sauce, compote for pies, cinnamon apple crisps, target practice and deer feed. Cassy loves when they fall in the fall !! She thinks they're "Ball Trees", lol. First she plays with them, then eats some of it. lol Only dog i know that likes apples.  ... April; It was in such bad shape when I bought it that I practically did "Build it" lol.  The cabin is made of 998 doors !! Walls, ceiling anyway !! Ha Ha !! Folks round here refer to it as "The house of doors". It was originally built in 1972 as a hunting cabin. I sunk in quite a bit of dough for improvements and have a ways to go, but its quite livable and comfortable. --- My closet neighbor is a non working farm a half mile away.
Nearest after that is another mile. Its 4 miles to town that consists of a Gas/Party store, a post office and a Bar !! lol  Don't blink as your going through, you'll miss it !! lol   Yummy... Venison, Asparagus and Apple pie... I think I'm gonna die if I don't get me some !! lol Gonna cook up some venison .. getting Hungary with all this food talk !!   ... Burr P.
699217 tn?1323438700
micheleTX, Dec 04, 2008
are you single????  lol, just jokin....that is such a serene and beautiful looking place.  yall are lucky to have snow this time of the year, bet it helps alot with the christmassy spirit!  nice work burrP. :)