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Comments (5)
617347 tn?1331293081
laurel453, Mar 06, 2009
you have travelled quite a lot ,
how was in spain ? hope you liked it :)
595559 tn?1241140638
Believer1179, Mar 06, 2009
Spain was amazing. Skydiving there was the best and the wine we drank everyday was even better! Beautiful beaches on the coast where we were. I could go on and on about how much I loved it. Good eye opening experience for me to see how people live in another country, ya know.  There's a lot out there in this world besides the city, state, and county we live in.
617347 tn?1331293081
laurel453, Mar 06, 2009
yeah, you are soo right about the world being amazing. i assume you went along the mediterranean coast by the colour of the ocean in your pics and yeah we have a wine culture here, hahaha  , rioja is so good. i'm from the North :)
595559 tn?1241140638
Believer1179, Mar 06, 2009
Yes, we were on the Mediterranean coast! We were probably about and hour or so south of Barcelona in a small little town called Coast Brava.  My dad's girlfriend is from Germany (lived in the states maybe 10 yrs now?) But her famly has a house there in Spain that they live in for half of the year and their house in Germany the other half. I still haven't made it over to Germany yet, but it is in our plans.  That is so neat that you live all the way over in Spain and we somehow come across each other on here......the world works in strange ways.  I think it's great that I can communicate with people from other countries on the internet!  
617347 tn?1331293081
laurel453, Mar 06, 2009
haha, i lived in germany  lol !!!   and i'm sure you'll love the country too. oh, well, i spent a great year there in munich so you are again right how the world works in strange ways connecting people, sharing the same problems and so on. great thing this of internet, believer :).btw, i like your name.