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Mr Peek and Jefferson
Mr Peek and Jefferson
Comments (29)
172023 tn?1334672284
peekawho, Jan 12, 2009
I'm baffled.  I don't think he looks like anyone famous.
148691 tn?1260194903
vsentz, Jan 12, 2009
George Clooney's lips....
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suzi-q, Jan 12, 2009
An older version of Ayden from Sex in the City?  Don't know his real name......
329994 tn?1301663248
lvfrogs, Jan 12, 2009
I don't know who he looks like, but I was curious after the whole "spork" incident. I think I could overlook the sporks....very handsome!
172023 tn?1334672284
peekawho, Jan 12, 2009
Hmmmm....maybe I should be nicer to him, then.  
15480 tn?1302529802
GNicole, Jan 12, 2009
Don't show him this, his head might swell......... He might not fit thru the door when he gets home!!
203342 tn?1328737207
April2, Jan 12, 2009
I think he looks more like Chevy Chase, don't you all?

Peek, this is scary. He looks so much like my husband, I'm not kidding you! Except my husband has more hair on top. I don't think he'll ever go bald. He has real thick hair. Your husband is a little older but still, the resemblance is uncanny!
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suzi-q, Jan 12, 2009
Yes!  Chevy Chase!  You got it April!
193137 tn?1367880063
sk123, Jan 16, 2009
I agree...very handsome. But now I see what you mean about the hair. His arms are quite hairy. I would try to wax him!