Comments (5)
365714 tn?1292199108
MJIthewriter, Feb 11, 2009
I really like this painting. You like mermaids?
604266 tn?1236358985
Amphitrite, Feb 11, 2009
I love mermaids. I think they're so beautiful. When I worked on this...I hadn't taught myself how to do faces so it was really practice and a boyfriend I wa sdating at the time slashed it up..which is why ot had that white slash thriuogh it.
But Angels, Mermaids and Fairies. Those are the three things I love to draw and pain.
604266 tn?1236358985
Amphitrite, Feb 11, 2009
Oh s actually a poem that I wrote that inspired this painting..I just wish I could find it. I love poetry and writing also so alot of times my paitings are inspirations for poems and visa versa
365714 tn?1292199108
MJIthewriter, Feb 20, 2009
I hope you find the poem. When I write poetry, I can see images along with it.   Around 2005-2007 I'd look through my sketchbook and write down whatever thoughts came to mind. Then I closed it out and looked some time later, maybe a week, maybe a year, and then write down what came to mind. Sometimes it created an interesting dialogue with myself. One of them was an emotional sketch with a creature looking up at the sky with a smile on her face but her wings severely tattered.
604266 tn?1236358985
Amphitrite, Feb 21, 2009
Me too that would be great! I have poetry everywhere in tons of books and notebooks and just hope I didn't lose it between my move back from California as I cuoldn't begin to remember teh whole thing and it's never the same anyway!
The other day when I was trying to find it I found some old poetry from 8th grade. It was so interesting and strange to read it. Help cross your fingers that I can find was one of my favorite poems~!