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@ my mom's work (note how happy peyton looks!)
@ my mom's work (note how happy peyton looks!)
Comments (11)
15480 tn?1302529802
GNicole, Mar 31, 2009
Awwww how cute! I love Peyton's dress!
250155 tn?1485295939
kennedydp5, Mar 31, 2009
thank you!  i got it from old navy...  it used to be michaela's (now michaela wears the one riley had)!  hand-me-downs are great, lol!!!
284738 tn?1283106819
pinkbelle, Apr 02, 2009
she looks less than thrilled hehehe.. and once again nolan is a peach : )
250155 tn?1485295939
kennedydp5, Apr 02, 2009
she did not say one word the whole time we were there!  i showed the ladies there a video clip of all 3 girls waking daddy w/ their guitars and singing and jumping on the bed and they told me next time to bring the "real" peyton , lol!!!  she was clinging to my mom like a cat trying to be put in water, lol!!!
145992 tn?1341345074
mami1323, Apr 02, 2009
They are so friggin cute.
326352 tn?1310994295
lhughes, Apr 07, 2009
I know that look...I get it quite often.  Are our kids related?
250155 tn?1485295939
kennedydp5, Apr 10, 2009
lol...  probably!  especially if you get that look as often as i do! :)
326352 tn?1310994295
lhughes, Apr 13, 2009
My FAVORITE look is the one I get when she's done something wrong and I make her go to her room and sit for 2 minutes.  At first it's the incredulous look of "how can you do this to me" then it's the "I'm going but I don't wanna go" look and into sheer abject misery.  Stomping the feet while walking to the room just adds emphasis.
250155 tn?1485295939
kennedydp5, Apr 13, 2009
are you sure you're not me and describing one of my kids, lol?!?!
326352 tn?1310994295
lhughes, Apr 13, 2009
dual lives????  Hey, maybe we're in an episode of "The Twilight Zone".... (music plays, strange dude starts talking)....

I bet our kids were related in a different life.  That could be it!  :)  I SWEAR she looks a whole lot like Lauren.  Not the hair color, just the stance, the binkie, the look.....  they could be twins.