Mommy Cat took a Mommy break
Mommy Cat took a Mommy break
Comments (2)
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Tippyclubb, May 10, 2009
Precious--how many kitties you going to keep?
419309 tn?1326503291
eureka254, May 10, 2009
I think there are 5 kittens (dare not get close enough yet to handle them, they're only a few days old; since mommy cat is a stray/feral cat, don't want to put the kittens at risk).  We moved into the area a little over a year ago, and I've noticed a few of the strays like to visit my yard.  I've been strongly considering the TNR management process for mommy and kittens (maybe put them all up for adoption if I can):

Recently learned my local vet clinic has a TNR program, and so it might be the best option, especially since my son is extremely allergic to cats, and he'll be coming home soon for the summer.