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This Frog Was Jumping Against The Glass Of My Sliding Door At 2am In The Morning!  It Scared Me!  :)
This Frog Was Jumping Against The Glass Of My Sliding Door At 2am In The Morning!  It Scared Me!  :)
Comments (8)
492869 tn?1285018933
halbashes, May 13, 2009
This was really quite a funny story.  My friend and I heard this "thump" sound against the sliding glass door of my living room at 2am in the morning.  It was kind of creepy, but ultimately, we decided to peek out and found this huge frog jumping against the glass!  We both grabbed our cameras, but it was too dark to get many good pictures.  After about ten snaps each, she finally took this picture.  Also funny was that when she scrunched down to take the picture, the frog jumped into the glass again, and scared us!  She jumped, and then we were both laughing.  It was so funny!  I think this frog thinks it's like a superstar now!
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, May 13, 2009
It is a Super Star =0) just look at it Rocks and doesn't roll. ~ jimi ~
612876 tn?1355514495
Heiferly, May 13, 2009
He was just trying to get a look at your monkey collection!  :-D
492869 tn?1285018933
halbashes, May 13, 2009
No!  Not my monkey collection!  Those are mines!!!  LoL!!!  :)
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Please_Help950, May 14, 2009
Cool, that is a really good picture! :) I had something very similar happen to me, but instead of a frog it was a toad. I was down in my basement one night at about 12:00 in the morning when all of a sudden there was a loud bang on the window in the window well. It sounded as if someone knocked on it and it really creeped me out. I didn't see anyone outside luckily when I have glanced out of another window in my house. So I thought it was maybe a wild animal especially since I live out in the country or a stray cat that visits my house and that they brushed up against the window. I decided to go back downstairs and I was playing my video games for awhile when all of a sudden I heard it again. I eventually got enough courage to look out that window, hoping that no one would be standing there. Once I looked out I didn't see anything until it lunged again and scared me half to death. I thought it was funny then because it was only a toad and I also felt relieved that it wasn't some stranger outside. I went outside in the morning to see if it was still there. It was and I removed the toad from the window well. It seemed happy to be out of there. :)
492869 tn?1285018933
halbashes, May 16, 2009
Wow!  My friend and I looked for our frog in the morning, but he/she wasn't out there anymore.  We were kind of disappointed actually.  (At least, I think it was a frog.  It's legs were a little long for a toad.)  I wasn't quite so scared to look out since I wasn't alone, but if I had been I probably would have been totally scared!  Plus too, it didn't even jump at us until we both had seen it there.  I can't imagine looking out only to have it jump at you before being aware of its presence!  That must have been majorly creepy!  I'm glad in both our cases it ended up being an amphibian, and not a stranger lurking!
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Please_Help950, May 16, 2009
Yes, I agree that it was very good that it was only an amphibian and not some stranger for both of us. :) My sighting was really creepy since I didn't see it first. I see a lot of those frogs in PA around the one pond that I used to fish at. I think they are really cool!!! :) :) :)
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Please_Help950, May 16, 2009
The frog looks really serious in this photo. Almost like it is grinning, look at it's eyes. :)