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Mickey Davyd*
for Mickey Davyd
*The information presented here should never be used to replace, augment, or change an existing treatment plan under the supervision of a medical professional.
Notes for this Tracker
Post It
Just a quick note to say hi!
Just wanted to let you know I can relate. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.
Hope you feel better soon!
1109930 tn?1258731041
Just a quick note to say hi!
Journals for this Tracker

Sep 26, 2009
He's still a bit constipated from being on the ProSobee.. but in a much better mood. He doesn't act like his tummy hurts every time he eats now so I'm happy it...

Sep 25, 2009
We've been trying the ProSobee for 3 days now.. so far he's become fussy and constipated. I called today to make his WIC appt. Its Oct 1st, so I took him off the P...

Sep 22, 2009
Had the WIC appt today, she gave us ProSobee to try on him.. I started him on it at about 1:00 today. He has to try it for 3 days, and then I have to call back to make ano...
Introduction to Trackers
This short tutorial will show you how to use your new tracker.
Tracker Toolbar
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The Timeline
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