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low blood pressure

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Communities and Forums
Posts on low blood pressure (117)
Hello everyone, I have acid reflux disease and I cannot take anything which contains caf...
I`m 24 years old male (185 cm/92 kg). 10 years ago I got diagnosis "panic disorder", ever s...
Hi I'm a 15 year old female. I'd consider myself quite active (I play soccer nearly everyda...
I'm not sure what direction to go now. My daughter has been passing out for over 2 yrs. She...
Yesterday around 3 pm I woke up from a nap. I stood up and immediately collapsed on the gro...
I'm a 23 year old woman of average weight. I've been struggling with muscle fatigue and wea...
My doctor has sent me to get a very big panel of blood work, but I wonder what he is lookin...
Hi everyone. I had a lumbar puncture done on Aug 15 and got a blood patch done on Aug 18. L...
Last year in September I was admitted to the VA hospital in West Los Angeles, CA for conges...
so tell me is this considered low 97/58 pulse 77bpm bmi36.8 respiration rate 14 jus...
Journals about low blood pressure(8)
10516183 tn?1410725208

by My_Michelet_Carsrud, Sep 14, 2014 - 2 Comments
47yr old white female. 120lbs, 5', below 'average' low blood pressure all...
4186692 tn?1350823288
It is 4 days since I had my ablation and I am disappointed that i am not bursting with...
1715604 tn?1332089576

by NatM80, Nov 24, 2011 - 2 Comments
Been taking Folic Acid, Vits B, C, & D, and Calcium, way before I became pregnant,...