will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on ms (1554)
I am wondering if anyone can help interpret a recent brain MRI done to rule out demylinatin...
I've been treated for SLE for years now. Over the last couple weeks, I have had sudden chan...
I am having weird trembling/vibrating/shaking feeling in my arms or neck and sometimes my j...
Hi, I am a 41 yr old man. In June of '14, I blacked out in the shower after a long day of w...
This is a cross post. I originally posted in nuerology, but after looking up periventricula...
I was wondering w hy is the toxin-induced demyelination model a predictable model? Why is E...
So, my story may be kind of out of whack as far as timeline, but I'll do my best. I am a...
Hi, everyone. Please bare with me as I explain all of my recent symptoms. I'm a 20y/o femal...
I've had some werid symptoms such as sudden numbness in hands and in one leg and it's been ...
Okay, let me start with history. I have had my issues for 5 years since 2010. It first star...
Journals about ms(106)
5265383 tn?1669040108

by aspen2, Dec 22, 2014 - 2 Comments
Because I'm too tired to re-type ... posting a link to my blog with the results of...
5265383 tn?1669040108

by aspen2, Oct 11, 2014 - 2 Comments
I just typed out this quick summary for a friend here. Realized I wanted to document ...
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I'm starting in the middle of my story. The other day, I finally had a call to arr...