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Heart Failure

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Communities and Forums
Posts on Heart Failure (345)
I had a Aortic valve replacement (mech) in 2011. Ever since then I been prescribe all sort...
Hello. I am 20 years old and am from Lithuania. I have been having long periods of increase...
My dad survived a heart attack a year ago. He's 56 years old. His EF a year later was 45-5...
Hi, I hope you can give me some advise. My dog (toby) of 15 years old has congestive heart ...
Hi yes, a few questions please. 1. I am 23 really skinny and but I eat unhealthy I eat a...
Besides congestive heart failure, are there other reasons for edema in legs and ankles?
taking 180mcg of armour thyroid. usually do better on it. if i take synthyroid, my bones ac...
Hi I'm a 45 yr old male who has had chronic generalized edema (i'd estimate about 20-30 pd...
I'm sure I am being irrational here but have developed a fear of having this test done and ...
I am an 18 year old male i weigh 290lbs which is very over weight for my age I eat healthy ...
Journals about Heart Failure(5)
1884349 tn?1353814998

by Jonathan D. Rich, MDBlank, Jan 13, 2014 - 1 Comment
Dr. Rich is a nationally and internationally renowned cardiologist at Northwestern Mem...
250051 tn?1328131130
I changed electrophysiologist just recently and I'm not sure if I like the outcome...
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'I am having a hard time with this which really suprises me because he has had thi...