will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on dependence (47)
im a 28 year old male and have been prescribed 1mg of klonopin daily, .5 AM and .5PM. Curr...
I got the results of a blood test this past Friday. I only have a level of 42 testosterone....
Hi, I broke some ribs in a bicycle accident about five weeks ago. Despite what some people ...
I was put on percocet, 10-325's,up to 4x times daily, and Oxcycontin, 30mg, 2x daily about ...
I injured my thoracic back and right shoulder in April and I have been on a couple differen...
I've been using fiorinal with codeine for the past 4 years every day taking 4-5 pills a day...
Hey everybody... I dont know if I am doing this right, I just signed up, it seemed from wha...
I have heard of a perforated septum and deviated septum- Can these things lead to a feeling...
I am currently prescribed 0.5mg of Xanax for anxiety to be taken three times a day. At firs...
by drjohn1969, 23 minutes ago To: Anybody with Suboxone Knowlege I have been on suboxon...
Journals about dependence(3)
2126606 tn?1346345124
We’ve treated thousands of patients for dependency to painkillers over the past 13 y...
908149 tn?1248716219
But I'm using it to mean "menstrual". So there. As in on my period for ...
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by myownprison, Feb 08, 2008 - 1 Comment
Okay, I'm new here. I googled leg pain and opiates and was taken here. Basically, ...