will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on douching (37)
Should I be douching? I am not sexually active, and I have never been to an OB GYN. I have ...
I have been douching for a while but about an hour after I douche I end up having a little ...
I learned that I was exposed to HSV 2 by someone with whom I was involved for about a year....
does boric acid work and does it cure the infection? can u have sexual intercourse while us...
if we wash the sperm immedialtely after sex will a women get pregnant
is it ok to doush once a mo after your period?
what happens if a women doesent douch
is it safe to do all the time, can you get yeast infection
I started treating a yeast infection with an over the counter treatment about four days ago...
I've been having a spontaneous tingling, burning feeling in my vagina accompanied with disc...