will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on post (204)
I had a lobectomy for a large multinodular goiter and parathryroid adenoma removed in Augus...
I am 6 months post ablation and till now I still have a storm of arrhythmia coming and goin...
Hi guys :) 5 weeks ago I had cryoablation in order to fix my AVNRT problem which honestl...
I had a great LP experience. I've had a mild intermittent headache since, up above my eyes...
Female 5'9"/ 133lb. 63 yr.old Vl at start: 11,349,834 Treatment: 400 mg Sovaldi/ 1000mg...
Hi, I am a 44 year old woman whos had Chiari I for most of my life, I've learned to deal wi...
How do i delete a post? I want the first question i posted gone as i copied and pasted the ...
My son 7 yrs had decompression with C1 in August. Since surgery he has had a tough time hea...
Hello... I really need your help. I am meeting a hot and gorgeous Transgendered. She is M...
I am a post bleed survivor. In November 2013 I suffered from a ruptured pica aneurysm. I ...
Journals about post(17)
16822938 tn?1451765747

by Bipolar_Al, Jan 02, 2016
Just testing out my first post. Very interested in bipolar disorder, especially rapid ...
4333925 tn?1359102442

by Star971, Jun 08, 2013 - 2 Comments
Its really been one month and 6 days since I have been off the meds. At first it was r...
4168182 tn?1350529541

by noonetoldme, Oct 17, 2012
i've been off all the meds since 9/11/12 am noticing some lingering effects like t...