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Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on laryngospasm (49)
I have recently become sensitized to perfumes, with reactions of laryngospasm, laryngitis, ...
I recently had a bout with Influenza A (despite getting the flu vaccine) which was pretty s...
About 2 years ago I started having episodes at night where I would wake up gasping for air....
When I cough my throat closes up and I cannot breath. I went to an Ear, Noise, and Throa...
VCD ? - Asthma Community
- Oct 29, 2009
I just heard of it, today, here on MedHelp... I have a recurring cough and sometimes my voi...
Yesterday after a bout of dizziness, feeling faint, severe and I mean severe balance issues...
This past week i was driving home from a vacation. I was finishing eating something took a...
Has anyone experienced a sudden closing of the windpipe during sleep?
Basically what I think about my issue is started ciz of cold..I mean here a.c thing n ...
2 weeks ago at 11:30 pm my healthy 16 yr old who had a dry cough for the previous week star...
Journals about laryngospasm(3)
2005895 tn?1327721790

by shawee, Jan 29, 2012
As i joined this site. I was enlightened with what i am suffering this days. i thoug...
1235320 tn?1267910457

by cecropia, Jun 14, 2010
I have had anaphylactic reactions to Penicillin, Azithromycin, Ace Inhibitors, clams a...
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by Sel969, Jul 04, 2008 - 2 Comments
Hi, I am experiencing some syptoms for one and a half years. When I inhale things lik...