will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on amblyopia

I am 27 years old male. My spectacles power is Right Eye: -12.5 with -2.0 & 10 degrees, Lef...
My two kids, aged 4 and 3 are diagnosed with astigmatism. Elder son's Auto Refraction is +...
Lentis Mplus (Oculentis) multifocal IOL with a +3 D addition used for treatment of Anisomet...
Hi, I am new in U.S. So everything is new and very different here, especially with doctor...
I am 62 years old and was diagnosed with amblyopia at 8 years of age. I had an eye test a ...
Is an IOL with a stronger prescription a good idea for adult amblyopia where the 2 eyes are...
Hi I am 25 years old and want to get Lasik done to correct the vision in one of my eyes. Ye...
Hello webmd, I have the eye disease known as amblyopia and a dose of intermittent exotro...
Hi, this is my first post. My left eye was always weaker than my left its around -2.5 and ...
We took our 3-year old son to an opthalmologist first at age 1 and then last November (befo...
lazy eyes
trouble focusing
loss of cocentration