will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on sensory (229)
I was driving to work on October 14, 2015 and I heard what I though was an accident - a ver...
Hey All! New here to posting, but have been reading quite a bit! Great info! My questio...
I am a 21 yr old female and I am in the autistic spectrum disorder. I am sensitive to light...
I have been having rapid cycling/mixed episodes. During these episodes I have been having v...
Hello All, I posted once on here back in August when I was experiencing really odd sensa...
Hello everyone, Lately I have been noticing that I smell things that are not there. No o...
Female, 20, 5'8, 138 pounds. A few years ago I noticed that I can't bend (or "curl") three ...
We just got back from visiting famly out of town. My son has sensory processing disorder. ...
My son is 6 and he does not like to say sorry. Tonight, the babysitter picked him up and h...
Is there any treatment for idiopathic sensory peripherial neuropathy?(non diabetic) Is ther...
Journals about sensory(4)
1741471 tn?1407159030
Original Post at
2090709 tn?1333475503
Sensory sx improving. Abdomen still swelled. Can't eat more than a bite or two. ...
1083064 tn?1261491951

by toni0405, Oct 23, 2009
I had physio today. A new guy did a sensory test thingy on my leg. It appears my right...