will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on vitreous (60)
Is 59 a young age to have vitreous detachment in both eyes? Can it be related to my dry ey...
Hi I'm 24 and had retina detachment surgeries in my left eye around 7 weeks ago. The doctor...
I had Crystalens implanted six months ago. It was followed by two YAG treatments for PCO a...
Im 28-year-old male with high myopia (around -7D in both eyes). I've been getting my eyes c...
I have recently experienced vitreous synereis with erruption of floaters and afterwards hav...
Good morning, just a brief background on myself: Uveitis at 11 in 1995, glaucoma shortly...
I am 26 years old, highly myopic wearing -7.00 prescriptions on both eyes. I've had a minor...
Dr. Hagan, First I am sorry i posted 2 questions yesterday, I was not aware of this polic...
1. Does PVD heals on its own? 2.If it heals on its own, would the chance of getting retina...
If you see a cobweb floater, does it mean you have posterior vitreous detachment? If you ha...