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Your Baby’s Firsts

3 Months: Head Control and Movement

3 Months: Head Control and Movement

From his first month, your baby will be able to turn his head from side to side during tummy time and occasionally hold his head up for a few seconds. Make sure he’s lying on a soft surface so he doesn’t hurt himself when his head flops back down. As his neck and back muscles get stronger, at around 3 months, he’ll be able to lift his head and shoulders off the ground, supporting himself with his forearms.

Attribution: Sabrina Ko <a href=""></a>
By Katherine Solem. Published on July 18, 2011. Updated on November 24, 2015. Katherine Solem is a health writer and editor in San Francisco.
Reviewed by Susan Spencer, MSN, RNC, IBCLC on October 16, 2015.