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Zoloft 'Zaps' and Xenical

I have been taking 50 mg of zoloft for about 10 months.  I gained 30 pounds and had sexual side effects (no libido).  I recently decided to go off zoloft and did not wean myself properly.  I took 25 mg for a week and then quit cold turkey (this was one week ago).  I have now been experiencing these  head "zaps" constantly throughout the day....my only relief is sleep.  I went to the ER because my mom was freaking out and told the doctor my symptoms.  I also recently started taking Xenical for weight loss and told the ER doctor about that too.  The instant I told the doctor about the xenical, he immediately deduced that my problems were coming from taking the xenical.  I know for a fact that less than 5 ng of xenical get into the bloodstream and that it has no effect on the brain.  I am really angry because everyone is blaming my side effects on the xenical and no one knows what I am talking about when I tell them about the "zaps."  I am wondering if you think the xenical is causing these problems or if my doctor and the er doctor are idiots.  I have an extensive medical background, so I know some things about body biochemistry.  Also, how long will I have these zaps, and is there any treatment for relief?
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242532 tn?1269550379
the zaps are very common and can last months.  People have tried all sorts of remedies...stimulants such as caffeine, exercise, or herbals...they very rarely work.

I suggest you go back to low dose zoloft for a few weeks, and then wean yourself from that.
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I would suggest that you get back on the Zoloft and ween yourself off more slowly. I was on Zoloft last year and was switched to Effexor. After having problems and called the doctors office the nurse gave me the wrong info and told me the doctor doesn't want me to take anything. So, I was off cold turkey. Aside from the Zaps that I was getting I was really out of control as far as my emotions. I hated everyone and everything. I couldn't make it through the day without exploding at someone. I was stressed out. It happened to be the worse Xmas ever. It wasn't until I called for help with my psycologist office (my pschologist was gone that month) that i was told this was withdrawl and I needed to see a psychiatrist for my meds to have them monitored more closely. My doctor was presribing them and not really doing a good job of monitoring me. I am now on Celexa and do get the zaps but not as often. Mine happen only when I am asleep. I would definitly say it is the Zoloft.
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I've noticed that many people have recommended gradually reducing your intake of Zoloft, and although I agree, I do not believe this will relieve the "Zaps".  In fact, I gradually reduced my own intake of Zoloft from 100 to 0 mg over the course of 6 weeks, and I STILL experienced the "Zaps".  Furthermore, the zaps did not go away for at least 2 months after I began decreasing my intake.  I have no idea what causes them, and I have heard nothing from my psychology colleagues and professors regarding the issue--to be honest, everyone seems clueless.  My only comforting information to you is that the "zaps" DO GO AWAY!
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the zaps are definitely caused by the zoloft.
i had the same experience from stopping paxil.
and it is true , it doesnt matter if you wean off or jsut stop, you will still get the zaps. it will probably last about 6 weeks, along with a bad emotional state, screamong at people crying, but if you are prepared for it to happen, i wasnt , it will be better.
just remember, the zaps do stop, so if you must get off the medication , it will be okay.

as bad as my withdrawal from paxil was a few years ago, i am actually considering starting it again, since it helped me so much when i was on it

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I experience zaps with tiny feelings of faintness if i have not taken my zoloft after a few days (usually because I haven't had the chance to pick up my prescription).  I also agree that it's definitely the zoloft.  my main fear is that these zaps may be damaging to brain cells and nerves.  I've been on zoloft for 5 years, 100 mg and I would really like to know what to expect long term in damage.  I've noticed that my memory isn't as sharp and am afraid it will deminish faster on zoloft.
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I can tell you that drinking alcohol, will AMPLIFY the "zaps" 20 fold the next day.... and if you have a hang-over, be prepared to go to the emergency room, i felt like i was having seizures.

DO NOT drink alcohol during your weaning-off any SSRI.
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I cant believe that everyone gets these 'zaps'! i thought it was just me, i have been off zoloft for a week now and they started the past day or so...i also feel lightheaded/dizzy, and kinda nauseau...those zaps are so annoying, and very disrupting...trying to work and goto school is frustrating, i feel kind of out of the loopthe past couple days...i thought about taking a xanax before bed because these zaps feel almost like a nervous twitch or something...i am glad to have found this website because i thought i did something wrong while weening myself off the zoloft...
zapping in florida
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I just went off Zoloft after about 8 months and the head z aps are awful.  I thought there was something totally wrong with me, but found out it is normal.  It has been a week and hopefully they will subside over the next month or so.
There are times I feel like I am going to fall down.  It is crazy.
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I have the brain zaps too.  I had them when I got off of Luvox and now I have them getting off of Zoloft.  I'm on week 3 and I still get them as strongly as ever.  Can anyone tell me how long I can expect these to last?  I am also hot all the time, and that's a new one too.  Thankyou.
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WOW!  You all do not know how relieved I am to have actually found that others experience this as well.  I came upon this forum in error, a blessing in disguise, if you will.  I have just been taken off of Paxil(cold turkey) which I was on for 2 years, highest dose due to severe panic disorder, well, I guess it just "stopped working" after a while so I admitted myself to a partial program of day classes where I would also get to see a doctor, I recomended (since I have a huge fear of taking meds) another ssri, which he was against but would "give it a try", I have friends who take zoloft and heard such wonderful things about it, I have only been on it for 4 days now though....still waiting to feel a change, as I came off of my paxil(cold turkey), I experienced these "zaps" in my head on a constant basis where it feels at times like a lightning storm going on up there.  I told the doctor, who I am no longer seeing, of this side effect to which he just blew off and would not give me a "yes this is normal" or a "no this is not normal" , so terrified I have been searching the web sites for answers, I guess my only question is will this go away and are they dangerous?  As I am experiencing severe nausea and hot/cold flases as well with what feels like body tremors, which i also hope will go away as soon as my body adjusts to no paxil and now zoloft...any comments or answers are VERY welcome.  Thank You
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So, it is the Zoloft!!  I'm on 75 mg and if I even miss one day of taking it, I get what I call "glitches" which you all descibe as "zaps".  I'm glad I'm not the only one and now I know for sure what is causing it.  I don't think I want to stop taking Zoloft because my quality of life is so much better on it, but I am worried that these zaps could be warning signs from my brain telling me that damage is occurring.  I don't know.  I couldn't link to that article about the zaps.  Can anyone give me a summary of it?  I would greatly appreciate it.
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I was only on Zoloft for ten weeks when I started having an adverse reaction to it.  I quite cold turkey and immediately started suffering from the dreaded brain zaps.  Like everyone else, I am
more than relieved to find out that they are a) a sympton and
b) they go away.  My zaps started to subside after about two weeks
and are almost gone now.  I
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Does anyone get the zaps starting in the head and then experience a jolt all the way down to the toes?  Almost like a chill.... but much more dramatic and exhausting?  I've been off Zoloft for 5 days now... Tapered fom 150 to 75 then nothing.  (per my "addictionologist D.O.)  I read that a large dose of Omega 3&6 will help, but so far no good.  I am also doing a whole body detox.  Hopefully something will help...maybe only time will be the answer.  I hope not!
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