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My Experience - So far Journals
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Scan 27th November 2012

Nov 30, 2012 - 0 comments
















Well, had a good ol' internal scan today to find out what is what...

My uterus lining is a good 8mm (last cycle it was 6mm and the woman who scanned me said they like anything above 7mm)

And as for my follicles.... theres a 'few small' ones... again she couldnt find my right ovary at first but soon found it... and my folli size was 10.3... and the woman said they like to see a folli that is double that size ... - so about 20.6ish...

I have now got to go back on Monday the 10th December for another scan.. to see what its saying then..

I also asked her if im ovulating, and she said that i proberly aint... but she also said there isnt any fluid showing in my uterus for her to be worried about (cause thats a sign of non ovulation).. she said she would proberly need to change the medication and put the ink through my tubes to see if they are blocked!!

I dont see why they dont put the ink through my tubes now.. it will save all the backwards and forwards to the hospital all the time :'(

Friday 26th October 2012 -  Scan

Oct 26, 2012 - 0 comments















womans health


uterus lining

This morning I woke up at 6am to get ready as I was scheduled for a scan at 8am (way to early lol)... When I got to the fertility clinic, I was called in got my bottom half undressed, sat in the chair and waiting untill the nurse came back in to scan me, the inserted the inturnal camera inside, and looked around, telling me I had a good amount of mucas, and that my uterus lining was 6mm thick... is that good?... she also found the right ovarie, but had trouble finding the left, Although I know I do have both ovaries as I seen from previous scans..she said I had a few follicles too.. but I dont suppose she could tell me much cause she couldnt see the other ovarie..

She also asked about how regular my periods were I said they were quite regular - meaning they are every 32/33 days or so...she asked if I was given provera to make me bleed a lil (What does provera do exactly?)... My answer was No... she then told me that she wants to up my dosage of Clomid now... and I have now got to take 2 tablets (100mg) between CD 2-6 on my next cycle.. She also said when I come on my period next to phone the clinic to book in for another scan for 12 days later... but she also said if I dont come on my period within 3 weeks today then to call up to book in for a scan anyways... Fingers crossd I dont have another period :-)