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Found this Opossum by my woodpile.
Found this Opossum by my woodpile.
Comments (6)
1301089 tn?1290666571
Sarajmt, Jun 04, 2010
I think he likes you!  He's smiling at you.
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Jun 04, 2010
Ha Ha !! It shoooore didn't SOUND like a smile!!! Sorta like a drooling hiss!! Ha Ha !!

He played like he was half dead of course and I had to move him into the woods by lifting him up with a shovel and carrying his royal butt over!! lol!! :o)
1301089 tn?1290666571
Sarajmt, Jun 04, 2010
Awwww, now he's homeless!! (lol)  I wouldn't want those claws coming at me!!  We have possums and raccoons around here and I live in fear my silly golden retriever Belle will corner one.  That's a vet bill waiting to happen!!!.
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Jun 04, 2010
Lol !! I feel your pain friend!! Our poor curious and brave retrivers are to curious for thier own good!! I have the constant worry of Lou catching up- to the Black Bear who frequent my place. They pretty much know her and stay clear when shes around but I have seen the carnage of dogs who got to close!! It isn't pretty and usually is to late for a vet to fix.

Then there is the porcupines. The local vet here has over 40 cases every spring in our county of doggy's who mistakenly thought they could grab a hold of a porky. The result always being a face full of extremely painful quills that are extremely expensive to remove!! They have to put them to sleep and it can take quite awhile to pull the 12 to 200 quills out. Some dogs get it real bad and are not only at risk for infection but very sore for weeks.

Needless to say I keep a close eye on her in the Spring, but she has free roam of the woods and it's hard to watch them all the time. I have to rely on her own common sense. It's worked out so far!! Knock-on-wood !!!!  ~ Burrpatch
1301089 tn?1290666571
Sarajmt, Jun 04, 2010
Ouch!!!  That would be awful!!  I'm very glad we don't have porcupines but we do have skunks.  My beloved golden Trooper who is now in doggie heaven after 14 years of giving us his love, learned about those. I think he liked the smell.  But then again, he would roll in poop.  UGH  

You tell Cassie Lou I said to stay away from those bears and porcupines!!  I'm sure she'll mind. (lol)  Honestly she is a lucky dog to be able to roam the woods.  Those hunting instincts really come out.  I love the classic stand they do when prey is spotted.  They are such beautiful creatures.
1271743 tn?1320892461
skmedlin27703, Sep 23, 2010
Yuck! That thing sure is ugly!