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Concerta-Adderral-10 year old???

My 10 year son has been on Adderall for a little over 2 months now.  He was moody, distant, and very emotional.  The doctor is now switching him to Concerta. Any thought son this medication?  I am new at trying to deal with ADHA, my son is diagnosed with the concentration protion of ADHA. He can not focus for the life of him!  It is so confusing to try and help him when I know
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Well to all of you. First, Anthony, I am very happy to hear that the medicine is helping.  My son just has been switched to Concerta and I hope that he will do much better than on the Adderall.  And second, to Jennifer375, you obviously have children without ADHD and have not struggled to have them do well and succeed. Our children suffer from something you CAN NOT understand, and to be honest with you I have had numerous conversations with my son's doctor and physiologist and they both state that when his medication is used PROPERLY there are no long term affects.  So believe me that I will listen to them and not you. Further, my son can actually listen and pay attention in school. He may actually pass, and to be honest with you that is a great feeling. So as you see I asked about Adderall and switching to Concerta, not you input on how they affect people.  
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Well, your only asking for my 'opinion' so I will do my best to offer what I can.... but I must warn you its something of a 'tangent' at times......

First I think we need to be offering the biggest support and help we can do the schooling system of this country. There have been 'issues' in the past with the typical 'one size fits all' type of teaching that our educators have been complaining about for years,,, but the problem went from 'rough' to insurmountable with Bush's 'no child left behind' bill.

One size does NOT fit all and SO little of our tax dollars actually go to researchering education and how children learn not to mention funding programs that try different methods for children who seem to be falling behind in the typical classroom setting. This is a seriouse problem IMO as a parent because right now I personally have a daughter who is failing 4th grade. This however is not based on her grades at all, but rather on her lack of ability to remeber to bring back papers and turn them in on time. Theres nothing we can do about this.... its totally on her because we cant be there all the time but its also a focus/concentration and memory issue. I frankly think she spends so much time trying to memorize dates and facts that when it comes to everythingelse she just flakes out. My husband does something similiar in that if I remind him repeatedly (stress him with the pressure) he will forget whatever Im asking him to remeber within moments. Example,, I can ask him to stop by a certain store as we approach it and he will. But if I ask him more than once he will drive past every single time.

The killer part? She tests very well, above average particularly in math and science. However she comes home typically with four hours of homework a night, has NO time for play or imagination and thats not even taking into account that 'art' and 'music' are now every OTHER week 45 minute class's like some sort of after thought. Further this school she is now in is a little better on recess, but typically in my state it seems the 'norm' is 1-45 minute recess a day and 1-45 minute gym class per week as well.

Children are no longer being allowed to just be kids, to explore their creativity. They are packed into rooms and pressed to memorize and recite perioud. Some children simply do NOT do well this way,, Einstien did very poorly in school for those we were unaware.

Our country needs to follow the lead of some of the UK schools in experimenting with different hands on methods of teaching. I have seen a few schools that help ingrain whats been taught by bringing younger children into the rooms with slightly older children, and letting the older kids help 'teach' the younger ones different things or read stories to them. This is a WONDERFUL idea and my kids absolutely loved it when the school they went to did this. (we have since changed schools due to having to move for work) It gave them a sense of empowerment and mastery over what they had learned, they felt important ,,, definatly an effective tool in teaching.

Quite frankly I think alot of the problem is also on the work related issues most families face in these days and times as well though. Mothers only being allowed a couple of weeks off after giving birth for fear of loosing their employment unless they can figure out how to make money at home, nevermind loosing insurance benefits! Fathers also get far to little time to spend with their families. I know my husband works a job that allows him to take off a significant amount of schedualed leave time every year, but this is very unusual, particularly the lower in income level you go, which is often the very people who need it most! If it wasnt for my husband haivng a union to back him up though, more than once he would have been at risk during my chemo treatments for loosing his job. What a horrible trajety that would have been with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of medical bills we had on the line!

I think alot more focus needs to be on offering community support to at risk families. These could be set up as not for profit though because god knows the government doesnt seem to be in the business of 'helping' those in need anymore. Example,, katrina, 911, the fires in california,, need I go on?

Want to see what I mean when I say these big corporations have a strangle hold on our government,, look up dental floridosis,, particlarly if you know youve done your best to care for your kids teeth but they seem to get white spots and or alot of cavities irregardless.

My point with that is,, WE, like the ancient romans who were poisoned by lead in mass... are also now being exposed to very high levels of poisons,,, and its beginning to show in our mental health and our childrens over all health. ABC recently did piece about cancer and without offering any reasons as to what the cause might be,, mentioned in passing briefly that 1 out of every 2 men in I believe it was West Virginia will develop cancer of one form or anouther and 1 out of every 3 women in that state will as well.

This IS new.. this ISNT normal.... and we all need to figure out what is causing this insain loss of life and livelyhood... and its not all just diet and lack of excersize.

*With much respect and apprication to any who made it to the bottom of this 'tangent'* and I do hope to hear feedback on this thread for a long time to come as people find it and do some searching... I am definatly listening and I hope others are too because we ALL need to do what we can to try and bring balance back to our lives.

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350801 tn?1201924763
My son is 14 and in the 9th/10th grade. His school has a different system, he just finished the 9th in 1 semester (4 clases per, 1.5hrs each day - 2 actual days of class for each day) This schedule was actually easier for him because he was in each class for 2.5hrs and he was able to get his bearings. He did OK - 3 C's and 1 B. I am proud of him just the same. It is hard for him, but since he is AWARE of his disability, he knows what he needs to work on throughout the day.

I think many children have no idea why they are being medicated. When I was a child I had a wondering eye, eventuallt led to surgery to correct the problem. I saw double, and this was comfortable for me. I was in therapy for 5 years for the double vision. I was never once told that the goal of therapy was to have my vision singe. If they would have just told me taht, I could have corrected my vision myself - The double vision was more comfoortable, but I could control it. Eventually my eye muscles got so weak from being lazy that I had to have the surgery. I think ADD is like that. If the kids KNOW why and what is going on, they can correct a lot of it themselves.
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your right, they are totally different drugs and have completely different action in the brain,,, but if you read the anxiety and depression boards,, many of those who are started on one drug with one type of action are then later put on SSRI's even though the action of these drugs is totally different from the action of benzopines... it rarely works and often makes the patient much worse off in the long run PLUS adding the problem of their bodies being dependant on the new ssri as well as the benzopine.

What it all boils down to is CONTROL,, we as parents are being pushed to medically control our kids instead of being parents and doing whatever it takes to help our kids naturally with attention, love and giving of our time. Our time is to preciouse now to even focus on our kids because everyones to busy slaving away at jobs to pay their bills. The amphetamines are just as harmful as the ssri's because although the damage is not so immediatly apparent, MRI's verify without a doubt that these medications are causing irreversible long term damage to the developing minds of smaller and younger children every year.

Worse yet, if our country had ANY clue how much of our tax money is going to pay for these same brain altering chemicals they would be OUTRAGED. The groups being hit hardest and most obviousely are

1. children under the age of 10 (medicade) in part because these kids are less likely to act violently or atleast not enough to make news headlines.

2. younge women ages 19-30 the pills of choice that doctors are putting them on and forever refilling scripts for are from what Iv seen a. antidepresasnts b. benzopines c. pain pills that are highly addictive. All of these meds are easily prescribed and very very difficult to quit.

3. women , usually single who are dependant on disability/medicade , this age group is getting the most expensive new class of drugs and widely being diagnosed as depressed or bi-polar. Dont believe me, go look at the boards yourself please.

You'll believe what you wish anyways..... Im just pointing out some facts. Some people wont like what some of us agree they are seeing and will refuse to admit there may be an issue, but thats not helping the kids and families these pills are hurting.

*With respect and apprication*
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350801 tn?1201924763
My son has ADHD and after a  long hit and miss process we both decided that he would NOT take drugs. He had enough clarity of mind to tell me what the were doing to him (Side effects) and he didn't want them. Does he have learning problems? Sure.
Is it hard for him to pay attention? Of course.
But you know what?
I learned how to help him. Without drugs.
We are both still learning tricks - To achieve the same results as the drugs without the drugs. How many adults have you talked with that were drugged as children? There are many, and they have horror stories about what the drugs did to them. The worst thing the drugs do is ALIENATE them from their parents. The parents think the drugs are a magic bullet,

If the drugs don't work, just get more. If they work sometimes but not others, then there is something wrong with the child. We drug the children because we dont like them, nor do we want to take THE TIME to figure out how to help our children because WE ARE TO DAMN BUSY. I am not against you drugging the shyt out of your children if that's what it takes to get you through the day.

But there are alternatives. There are natural compounds that work just as well. I know because we use them. Vitimins, Herbal Supplements, Patience and lots of love. I am not knocking the drugs, nor am I against holistic treatments. Drugs are not the only way to go. I know, because I have an ADHHHHD Child, and his case is extreme. But I do not drug him. And he is doing pretty darn good, thank you very mush.
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I dont see children committing murders and suicide as simply 'criticism' . These are facts and as the number of deaths and murders grow the pharm corporations are working very dilligently to hide the information. The makers of paxil went out of their way to aquire the parents sworn statements regarding their child being on that medication for the purpouse of  destroying and burying it according to news reports. Furthermore, it is not criticism when a child ends up in a psych ward because the seritonin levels in his/her brain are maxed out and the 'lsd' effect kicks in.

Your children are doing well because they are in a loving stable home now, which you deserve all the credit for,,,, not some drug that will at some point quit working and leave her needing to find something to replace it with most likely. (atleast by the looks of the depression/anxiety boards here on medhelp)

You are blessed, and your children doubly blessed to be 'saved' by good people who clearly have her best interest at heart and are willing to do anything to help her live the life she deserves. She didnt have that before... but I wouldnt blame it on a lack of drugs.

*With respect and apprication*           Jennifer
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