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5 year old throwing up phlegm

Hello - my five year old daughter has been throwing up phlegm for the past month.  This has been happening on average about 3 times a week (always on preschool days) just as she is about to have lunch.  She will start to eat, throw up the phlegm and then she continues eating.

We have seen a TCM doctor who said she has excessive heat in her body and suggested we add additional fruits to her diet (which we have done).  

Has anyone else experienced something like this?  I don't know if she has food allergies or if there is something in our home that she may be allergic to..... any advice and or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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1563533 tn?1345366296
Are you sure that it is phlegm, if it is... then see if she has sinus drainage, some small children kinda throw it up instead of coughing it up like adults, if so, try using some OTC meds to dry the secretions up.
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Is she doing the same activity at school before she eats? Some of the newer juices gie me the same reaction-is she drinking before shes eating?
You really need to be your own detective on this. Start with lunch and work backwrds. Since it is on on school days-that does rule out the home.
To me (being an allergic asthmatic-but no MD) it does sound like an allergy.
Tercher also need to be in the loop on what she is doing before the meal.
Obviously it repetitive. Does she have milk with her meal or a drink shes not having at home? Could be an activity also. Just keep asking her and the teacher questions something should stand out-to be eliminated.
Good luck.
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This sounds like a variation of some of my symptoms,no doctor or specialist I have encountered knows why.I would not be surprised that in the future they will track allergy to the interaction between stomach acid production and enzyme release in preparation for tasting and saliva production.I react to many things that I like eating.Not the things I don't like.Foods high in histaminic activity like tuna ,canned pink salmon to name 2 cheeses/cakes etc.Brightly colored vegs. and fruits and greens.Now what happens to me, is that I produce white think and/or frothy phlegm from about 20 mins after ingestion, can continue upto 2 hours, and happens on retiring about 1-2 am.
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What I have found helpful is that [1] I take anti acid medication like omeprazole [2] I takeSucralfate which coats stomach and duodenum. [3] I take  one herbal preparation made by Cenovis in Australia which they call hayfever and allergy relief.It doesn't do much for me hayfever wise but the anti histaminic response has helped me greatly.After 6 months of this treatment I am able to even eat biscuits and flavored icecreams, which were a big no no.Curiosly I have never been any more allergic to peanut butter, strawberries and the milks but I do suspect that soy products are trouble fo many foods that are manufactured are loaded with this so-called healthy food.Wholegrains, oats, corn, cornflakes etc never bothered me but began to 4-10 years ago.I ate half a 250grm. pack of mixed fruit i the last 24 hrs. and so far no reaction.In past I would have done.Hsulphide is in it for preservative and some normally offending substances as well.  I am nothing to do with them, but they have naturopathic advice there free of charge!!
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