1340994 tn?1374193977

80% of people have parasites per Dr. Oz

This is a comment rather than a question.  Since so many people have parasites and they can cause leaky gut syndrome (if I understand correctly) and leaky gut can cause reactions to food proteins, I tried Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) in a formula with artemisia and echinacea.  I am feeling GREAT and my digestion is really good.  I am continuing to avoid gluten religiously as well as nuts and dairy less stringently, and I feel GREAT with much improved digestion and energy.  I am suspecting I had ascaris.  Apparently they can even cause stones in the gallbladder, and I had to have that out a couple of years ago.  I think we need to stop ignoring the possibility of parasite infection.  It is highly treatable.  
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gmo parasites are manageable but not treatable.
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I just ordered a worming cleanse from that site. But I found it in the comments of a girls blog who was suffering badly with candida.

That was a mind bending read! The actual blog is the diet she did, but in her comments in the lower region of the webpage she explains the diet did nothing for her.. the cleanses did!

I had no idea that parasites could cause hives and allergic reactions. Thats what brought me to this site. I am going forward with all the cleanses that humaworm site has.. all organic and herbal and very reasonably priced. I paid 40.00 for my first 30 worming cleanse capsules and 10.00 for one for my pets. I am so excited to see how it effects me!
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