19313606 tn?1476424995

Acne on forehead doesn't go away, could it be allergy on something?

I'm 25 and have some problem with the skin on my face and shoulders. It's not that bad. but still, for many years it annoys me with some acne.  They are small and same tone color with the skin doesn't hurt, just cover my forehead and face in general. could it be an allergy to something or its a consequence of a greasy skin?
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363281 tn?1714899967
It could be due to oily skin in these areas, try using a special wash and ointment on them for a few days and see if this helps. Also, could possibly be a vitamin "D" deficiency. As to food allergies, some can cause this, so, stop eating foods that you eat lots of and then gradually add them back, if the acne clears up while not eating them, then you are on the right track.
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