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Body reaction symptoms

My whole body turned red, blood pressure jumped, nausea, headache, lightheadedness, weak. Symptoms came on slowly, but soon after eating. Had crab wontons with dinner, but have never had a reaction before. Could it be a milder form of shellfish allergic reaction.
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2017859 tn?1331098401
a whole body reaction like that sounds a lot like a food allergy. and your reactions sound pretty serious.  just as a warning, these type of allergies can cause more severe reactions the more you are exposed, so next time it happens it could be much worse.  I would go to a doctor and get an epipen (spelling?).  hopefully you will never need it, but it might save your life.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It could be an allergic reaction, more so if the symptoms have occurred with the consumption of the same food. Maintain a food diary and note down and monitor your symptoms. This may help to narrow down the search. Alternatively an allergy specialist may try to identify the offending allergen and try to desensitize you.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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