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Insensitivity to food

I am 33 years old male. I have been suffering from unexplainable  illness. I am not sure if someone  can help me or not. From last 3-4 years anything I eat my body does not tolerate that. I cannot eat any medicine. It is just not related to eating but also my body cannot tolerate any ointment  as well such pain relief ointments. It is very hard to explain the symptoms but I feel very uncomfortable within minutes  consumption of mentioned things.  For examples fogness , swelling on mouth , it appears my brain is not tolerating anything which has high energy value these symptoms stays for atleast  7 - 8 hours until my body flush out the thing I consumed. It appears that as soon as I take something with high energy value food  some of my body glands react to it and does not work properly. My body weight is increasing due to that.  I can feel that my body structure has been changed over the years.  I got some hair loss on the side of head it is very unusual place of baldness I am pretty much sure it is related to that. When I got that symptoms I can feel oiliness on the head where I have hair loss.  All these symptoms only occurs when I consume something otherwise I am fine.
I have seen many doctors first of all they cannot understand my problem. Some of them say it is psychological problem but I am 101 % sure it is not  psychological problem. Even small to small drop can show me these symptoms. I have seen homeopathic doctor as well even he is not able to able to understand my problem he gave me some homeopathic medicine to help my intestine but even very small drop I was not able to tolerate. I am sure it is not gastro problem as well. It is definitely something to glands working when I take anything which has even high energy level. I cannot even tolerate honey, turmeric, black pepper, ginger powder. Even if I touch small powder and put it on my tongue.  
I have my blood test done I don't have any diabetes problem. Liver and kidney function are normal as well. Thyroid function test also normal. I want to get fit. Please let me know if you can help me.  I believe it can  be neurological problem and I feel my brain is too sensitive to tolerate any kind of food. Is there any tests involve which can find out the root cause of my problem including the tests for brain.
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Thanks.....will you please let me know if you can repost my comments on the forum
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I have a suggestions for you. I would repost your comments on the
Doctor's Forum in the forum called Undiagnosed Symptoms Forum.
Here's how you find this forum. Go to the top of this page. Put your
cursor arrow on the word FORUMS.  This brings up the words Health
Forums. Press on Health Forums which will be highlighted. On the
right side of this next page , you will find the words Doctor's Forums.
Scroll down to the letter U where you will find the Undiagnosed Symptoms
Forums.  Comments posted here are answered by doctors. I wish you
good luck in finding some answers.  Eve
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