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Problems with eating certain foods


I was needing help with trying to figure out the weird symptoms I have been having after eating.  After eating certain things, particular salty foods and dairy, I have been getting lightheaded, headaches, change in vision, dizzy, and sometimes, nausea.  I noticed when I eat the salty foods, I also get tense around my arms and ankles, and having head pressure and dizziness.  The symptoms seem to sometimes affect me all over too, with tension throughout my body.  I have been going through this for about four months now, and have been to 3 doctors now, and they have no idea what it could be.  I am taking more blood tests this week, so hopefully that might find something.  Any advice that you give would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.  
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1115551 tn?1292093976
There definitely will be foods that an individual will react to. And that's due to the fact that our genetic makeup is so different. For example, my mom dares not eat sea foods, because she definitely will react so badly that sometimes feels choked up. I really don't think it's of great concern, but to be onthe safer side, I think you should still take the blood tests to know the state of your health, including electrolyte balance. Really, i think you need to desist from taking such foods if it's possible.
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Thanks for the comments,  the problem is that it seems that almost no matter what I eat, I seem to have some sort of reaction.  I am just eating straight protein and vegetables now, to see if that helps.  The nurse is so relaxed about the situation, and just tells me to eat things, that don't bother me, which is hard to do, because I am not exactly sure.  I have to tests somethings, and hope that I don't get a bad reaction from it.  The doctors should able to give me some diet plan to follow, till we get to the bottom of this.  I will check Friday with them after I take my tests, and see what they say then.  
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Do you know if a cortisol level is included in your blood tests? Ask your doctors to check your adrenal function. Aldosterone, an adrenal hormone, helps regulate sodium levels.
Dizziness and nausea are associated with adrenal fatigue and electrolyte imbalance.
At first glance it sounds like you have hypertension due to adrenal fatigue.

I hope your doc gets it figured out soon. Good luck to you.
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1332024 tn?1275361449
I got on to the Blood Type Diet (Dr P D'Adamo) after experiencing years of allergic reactions & that has certainly helped pinpoint the particular foods & the reason for  my reactions...it is a work in progress but after some months now, I am much more advanced & finding relief!!
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757137 tn?1347196453
I had strange symptoms some years ago that no one could diagnose. I would feel swollen and very out of sorts. (No hives or anything like that.) Two or three years later it was discovered that I had an allergy to citrus.
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