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My daughter is 2 1/2 yrs old and has multiple food allergies.  Her height/weight has been in the <3% for the past year or so.  She is currently allergic to; milk, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, and barley.  We suspect there are more allergies that we have not been able to pick up yet because she is still having reactions.  She eats very, very little and receives most of her nutrients through Elecare formula.  She is scheduled for an endoscopy in April.  With these results, her GI dr. and allergist want to start her on a very strict food diet.  This will consist of 2 months of only her Elecare formula and one ingredient (ex. corn).  This is all she will be able to eat for two months.  Then, every two weeks she will be introduced to one new food.  After four foods, another endoscopy will be performed.  This will continue until they catch all the foods she is allergic to and in hopes her appetite will improve once her GI tract clears up.

I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this.  I am very confused and find it difficult to think that she will be able to eat nothing, only her formula and one food, for two months.  How difficult will this be?  Has anyone else experienced this?  I'm also trying to figure out the best timing to do this if we decide to.

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This process sounds pretty drastic. I can't give an opinion since I have never heard of it.

Allergies are a terrible thing to have to suffer with. Since your daughter is so under weight and height, maybe this will be the best route for her, especially since she eats very little now.

Good luck with whatever decision you make.

Please update us on when you can.
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Do you know what they are looking for? My daughter is almost two she to is severly allergic to eggs, milk, wheat, rhy, peanuts, Pistachios, almond, hazelnuts, cashews. She also sees a GI dr. for Gerd, but we do allergy screening every three months because we too have not yet discovered all of her allergies. My daughter has been in the 2nd percentile from the day she was born we are waiting now to see a geneticist and nuerologist for some other issues she has but I guess I am wondering why they are doing it? what are they trying to find out? you should ask your doctor for a pediatric dietician or nutritionist to meet with you and help you come up with meals she can eat this has helped us in so many ways! It is so hard to even feed a child who is so allergic to everything!! If you need recipe ideas let me know ! Some of our childrens allergies are the same. Let me know how it goes Good luck we have been there!!
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There does seem to be many similarities.  
The idea is that since they do not think they have found all her allergies, this will be a way of detecting all of them.  They would first do an endoscopy to see how much inflammation there is.  Then for 2 months she will only have her Elecare and one food ingredient.  This should clear up her whole GI tract.  Then, they will introduce one food ingredient every 2 weeks.  After 4 foods, (about 2 months) they will scope her again.  If there is inflammation, they will back track to see which of the 4 new foods caused it.  If there is no inflammation. they will continue the same process with 4 more foods and another scope.  This definitely seems like it is a good route to take to detect all her allergens, it just seems like it will be difficult for a 2 1/2 yr old.  We live in NJ and see a pediatric allergist and GI dr. in NJ.  However, my daughter's pediatrician suggested we go to Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC to see the amazing allergist and GI dr. there.  These are the dr that suggested this.  

By the way, what does Gerd mean?

If you find any recipes that your daughter really enjoys, I will definitely love to see them!

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GERD is Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The problem I see with this type of elimination is if she happens to be allergic to food combinations. Example: She may show no signs of allergy to carrots or spinach alone, but together it can be a full blown allergy.

My husband has these types of allergies. It took me quite a bit of time to learn what he could and couldn't have in the same meal. Example: He can't eat fruit (of any kind) with beans, and so on.
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