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food allergies causing body odor?

Hello, I have to start here because I have no where else to go. I will try to make it short, I have suffred for 7 years with body odor that is coming from my vaginal area, my stool and urine. I have been to many docs and the wholisitc docs tell me its food allergies (soem food allergies show up in the blood testing but not the ***** testing). My regular allergy docs say no way related and tehy dont trust the blood testing. Wholisitc Doc says funny things can happen with food allergies and Docs arent willing to admit it. This is my only link so far. First thing i did was got to the OB (MANY time) and all test neg. I have been to many other docs and had an End/Colonoscopy done, neg. I had a gastric bypass 20 years ango but then had to hav it reversed because I lost too much weight. The times dont coinside and this is not flatulence. It smells skinky sometimes, musty other times, fecal other times. I am losing my mind and have lost two jobs at the same time becasue of I canno take the way people look at me. This is not hygiene, I bathe twice a day, I have had my heavy metals checked, yeast checked all norm.
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I have been sufrd from this body odor,wht i hv found is that this thing's it is not about hygine but wht i hv notice is that mayb there is some food which am allergic to,food like carrie,spicy food,milk and some other food,i just want to go to doctor to find more infomation,cos this body odor is very constant.
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I just had dinner with a friend of mine who is also a nutritionist (we went to school together).  We talked about our success in helping people who have foul smelling body odor coming from everywhere, including their genitals.  She has seen more people with this problem than me.  She said that people are not open to getting the meat and dairy out of their diets.  So, she firsts puts people on diets that are not vegan or vegetarian, but consist only of whole, natural, foods.  For instance, whole grains such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.  Beans, fruit, vegetables and nuts.  Meat and dairy can be eaten.  But the diet must be healthy and free from junk food, and processed, packaged foods and refined foods like things made with white sugar and white flour.  She told me the story of a woman who had your exact problem and who she put on this type of a diet (you can find books on eating this way at the bookstore, or at Whole Food Market).  She instructed her to have 2 colonics (a.k.a. colon hydro therapy) which were done 2 days in a row.  After that the woman douched with a probiotic every day, and took a probiotic orally.  She said it helped the woman a lot.  She said that, if this woman didn't get as much help as she did, after 6 months she would have had her cut out the meat and dairy.  Just thought you'd like to know.
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Hi, I'm a nutritionist.  And both the people who commented above me are right.  Your body is toxic.  And the place that the body FIRST becomes toxic is in the colon.  Then, the rest of the body is affected.  If you really want to get rid of this problem, go to a health resort in Ontario Canada called Gail Springs (google this).  You will be fed whole, natural, foods that are alkalizing to the blood.  And you will get colon hydro therapy which will rinse out your toxic colon.  Then you will replinish your colon with good, healthy, probiotic bacteria that you will take orally.  You will also douch with good, probiotic bacteria.  When you get home, you won't do the colon hydro therapy, but you will continue taking probiotics and eating whole, natural, foods.  By the way, you won't be eating any meat of any kind (except maybe fish) and no dairy products.  Now, if you can't go to this place, you can do this at home.  I could help you by talking to you here.  What you would do is find a place near you that does colon hydro therapy.  You would have 2 appointments.  That's all you need.  On the day you start this colon therapy, you must also start eating a vegan diet consisting of only whole, natural, foods.  No white flour, no white sugar, no processed, packaged, or junk food.  No meat (except fish) and no dairy.  After the second colonic you would start taking a really good probiotic called Primal Defense Ultra by Garden of Life.  Get the capsules.  It's the best on the market.  And you would start douching with this probiotic as well.  It would take anywhere from 6 to 12 months, but this problem would get better, and could very well go away completely.  I myself went on this type of diet (and still eat this way) and after 7 months I began having normal, healthy, bowel movements and all body ordor went away.  I can now work out for an hour and I will sweat but I never have odor.  Changing your diet, cleaning your colon, and replinishing the flora in your bowel and in your vagina with a good probiotic, will do wonders for you.  Also, look for health resorts where they only eat vegan here in the US if you can't afford that place in Canada.  These places teach you how to eat healthy and you get 3 healthy, vegan, meals a day.  And they usually have a place close by where you can colonics.  I know of a place in Florida and I can get the name if your interested.  My mother was just there.  It's a good way to help you get started.  Good luck!
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I do know that certain foods can cause you to have strong body odour.  Red meat releases toxins into your blood stream and intestine and this can cause you to have a stronger body odour.  Foods lacking in fibre, refined white flour, added sugars and basically processed foods can cause body odour.

If you stick to healthy foods such as leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts etc you should notice a difference within a couple of weeks.
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Have you considered trying a bowel cleanse?  Is it possible that there is food trapped in your gut that isn't digested and won't move out?  My husband had terrible bad breath after eating chocolate.  We began taking digestive enzymes to help our gassy digestive symptoms.  Old matter and mucus was passed in the toilet and my husbands bad breath cleared up.  So I would think this could also effect the body as well.  Just my guess.
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