522070 tn?1233756919

mysterious reactions

I have an appt with the dr. next week but I was hoping you all could maybe shed some light on my problem.

Since Dec 08 I have had the weirdest stuff happen. I have constant drainage down my throat. In the morning and after I eat it seems almost overwhelming. I don't have cold or sinus problems.

Also I have nausea after i eat. I assume it is from the draining into my stomach. Last week I had a beer. Which is very rare and I instantly got hot and sweaty and my hands turned red and swelled up and itched. Yesterday I had a can of slimfast and my throat felt like it was closing up and I got the worst headache.

This past year I have also had problems with over the counter pain meds. My lip swells and I get sores on my tongue. After certain meals I get sharp pains but I can't put my finger on it. My symptoms are all over the board. All I can think of is maybe a perservative in the products. Can anybody see something I might have missed. I also have Graves Disease and low iron if that has some kind of connection, I'm not sure.

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168348 tn?1379357075
If you are able to .. make a list of all the ingredients in the items you describe to see if anything at all is common.  Sometiems Lactase is a filler in meds .. a hidden milk product ... but in beer???  I don't know offhand.  Preservative are the toughest.

You can try to do an elmination food diet and addin foods ev. 3 days and keep a chart. *under a docs guidance* and see if the symptoms trigger with a certain food.

Graves is autoimmune so you may be predisposed to this.

Sometimes when our bodies are challenged in one direction, the other become heightened and reacts to things not reacted to in the past .. that I've seen with my daughter.

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I'm glad you will be seeing your doctor. Those reactions can lead you to anaphylaxis.

As for the beer, it could be a number of things, such as yeast, hops, barley, corn, wheat, and rye.

I'm allergic to the hops in beer.
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also.. get checked for a deficiency in ALL B vitimins. when you are deficient in certain things.. it can cause you to become sensitive to other things... your body cannot process one without the other type deal...  
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It could be a number of things not just one thing.  I am glad you have an appointment to be checked out.  But I was wondering about beer?  I don't drink it but I do have some wine now and then and also began making my own.  They have you use sulfites to sterilize the equipment.  I know in wine you buy in the store it says "contains sulfites".
Sulfites can be in many things and it is the first thing that popped into my mind.  But I don't know if it is in beer?  Usually sulfite sensitivity causes a red rash on the body but can make you very sick all over too.  Might want to check all the ingredients and see what might ring a bell.
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Oh, would like to mention that symptoms like yours will show up in skin testing.  I would ask my doctor about this.  The kind of symptoms I get like body aches and pains and IBS doesn't show up in the skin tests.  Doctor won't recomend them for me.
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