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very strange food allergies

i consumed flavored yogurt before and had not had allergy(but they were probably gmo i figure).  

but recently i thought i was getting a better deal with an on sale plain yogurt which boast like 6 active cultures. and its organic labeled.  and the thing was that it racked my mood and i got more mood back after coffee .   it made me sick and i felt better after bowel movement.

this made me ran a fever the next day with mild sore throat and inflammation.  i heard that sesame oil was anti-bacterial but that seem to made my fever worse.  i felt better with some lemon instead and plain food without adding sesame oil in it.

sesame oil wasn't too obvious to me at first but its caused enough discomfort for me to do a rethink on this.

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anyone experienced anything similiar?
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Hello seekanswers2012,

I just read your comments. I also saw that you stated that the plain yogurt was on sale. I'm always a bit suspicious of milk products like yogurt
when they're on sale. I ask myself why are they on sale. Has the yogurt
reached its best before date. Perhaps the yogurt was old and the milk
had in effect turned. The fact that it made you sick makes me think the
yogurt had turned. That can make you very sick, I've heard. Never
experienced this myself, but my mom once drank some old milk that
was past its best before date and she felt very ill too. Hope this helps.
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hmm.... i don't think this is situation when food on sale cuz its spoiled. expirations still a ways off.  in this case, it the kinda sale when products occasionally are. and its from legit supermarket.

i don;t wanna badmouth american brands here but for whatever reason ,seem at least some  has been of lesser/poor workmanship.  this brand in question is stony field and it was the only organic i saw.

a while back, i had a relative brought home some recently expired yogurts and the more expired ones were put in freezer, never had a problem with em. its muller brand, german i think.  i dunno if i can chalk it up to workmanship.

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