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Stomach bloating - what's causing it?? (with pic)

I have major stomach bloating every day. Here is what a typical day looks like: the first photo was taken at night before bed and the "after" one in the morning (less than 10 hours later). I wasn't purposely sticking my stomach out or sucking it in. It seems that as soon as I start eating even a small amount, my stomach expands, and then keeps growing throughout the day. The time of month doesn't seem to make much difference (did not have my period at this time). I've been gluten-free for about 2 months, and have also cut out milk and yogurt (still eat cheese and sour cream), though that doesn't seem to be making a difference. Unlike others, I generally don't experience any pain with the bloating. My stomach sometimes makes weird (and loud) growling noises when I take a deep breath, even if I am not hungry. People have been surprised at how loud it is at times. I have been told the bloating is "normal" but I don't think it should be! Am I crazy and what can I do about this??
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Hello Jane,

Okay, I have some questions. You say you have been gluten free for 2
months. Did you go to an allergist and have allergy tests, specifically blood tests ?  If you did have blood tests, was it determined that you have an
allergy to glucose ?  If you are not supposed to have any kind of dairy
products like milk or yogurt, cheese and sour cream, as I'm sure you know
are still milk products. You say you're having issues with bloating.
If you don't mind, tell me what a typical breakfast for you looks like, a typical lunch and a typical dinner and any snacks you might be eating.
I will probably be able to offer more suggestions if you tell me this.
I wish you well.  Eve
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Thanks Eve,
I have had blood tests done but the doctors said that everything came out negative (no food allergies). I decided on my own to cut out gluten and some dairy because others had recommended it. I'm not sure if it's really my "issue" as it doesn't help the bloating, but I also have fibromyalgia and it seems to help with that. I normally have a smoothie for breakfast (with protien powder, berries, coconut oil, and coconut or almond milk). For lunch and dinner I usually eat some kind of meat, vegetables, and maybe some rice, gluten-free bread or tortilla chips with it. I eat all kinds of meat and vegetables. Also, as I mentioned, cheese and occasionally sour cream. I don't have the best eating habits as I sometimes skip meals and eat before bed. However, when eating at regular times I still have the bloating problem. Thanks for your help!
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Hi, I'm not a doctor but have had similar issues with bloating. Is the fibro a definete diagnosis? As far as I'm aware, you can get bloating in conjunction with this or irritable bowel syndrome. Secondly, to be on the safe side, I advise to get 2 scans, one of the abdomin and one of the reproductive system. Once these are all clear, maybe look at an endoscopy or looking for a doctor in digestive issues. I have had similar bloating like that, but everyone is different. I have had all scans done and the only thing they saw was a small hemangioma on liver however I'm told this won't relate to my stomach issues. It would just be a good idea to arrange with your gp to do these scans, do not let them talk you out of it, becAuse it's always good to investigate symptoms if they are persistent. Do you have any family history of autoimmune diseases?
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9883586 tn?1406478557
Do you drink coffee with milk products? I started drinking my coffee black and that did the trick for bloating problems..also try drinking a lot of water, in between meals (not so in the evening as it puts pressure on the bladder/kidneys). Perhaps soy milk in your case, cheese/sour cream are causing it.. also not everyone can handle raw veggie/fruit juices and they get stomach pains (ex. raw carrot, apple etc - should be mix with water) and I heard eating garlic helps with bloating/gas. They sell garlic pills in almost every nutrition stores, pharmacies...hope it helps
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