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Milk Allergy? Vitamin D Allergy? Milk Protein Allergy?

My 7-yr-old daughter has had horrible constipation problems since the day she was born. We finally found a protein sensitivity formula that worked for her. We thought she had grown out of until it started up all over again. I stopped giving her milk one day and the constipation stopped. I then tried every type of milk that's available and nothing worked.   I started giving her Vitamin D fortified orange juice and she got constipated again. She can eat dairy products such as yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc. with no problem, but if you give her 1 cup of liquid milk she's constipated again. It's been 7 yrs and I'm ready for an answer. What is different in liquid milk than in milk products?  Has anyone come across this problem before or have any ideas?
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I  think the proteins in the milk (casein) are slightly altered if cooked or processed in other products and do not cause as much reaction.  Here are some links I have found earlier:

I would get your daughter's Vit D3 levels checked to make sure she needs supplementation via juice, pills, food etc.  The last link above was interesting in that it says when Vit D is added the body uses magnesium to use the D and if magnesium is low the result is constipation!  Maybe just adding magnesium would help your daughter?  I would research which type of magnesium is best as there are several available.
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168348 tn?1379357075
I agree with above poster!

AND ..... it's not as common but, yes, constipation is a sign of an allergy or severe intolerance to milk!!!!

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Milk allergy is very common. It causes a variety of symptoms from splitting headaches, tinnitus, skin irritation, asthma, wheezing, breathing problems, sore throat and gastro-intestinal/stomach problems. Imagine ingesting poison ivy. The body reacts everywhere it touches. Same with milk - it's NOT lactose intolerance, it's true allergy.  Allergies get worse with exposure, not better so be sure to eliminate dairy products from everything! And take heart -- I'm allergic to dairy products and still enjoy vegan ice cream, vegan ice cream sandwiches, cookies and the whole shebang! And I'm healthier than people who eat dairy (it's really not that goo for you). You can get all the nutrients in dairy by eating the same foods as milk-producing cows (vitamins and minerals are come from / are synthesized from green leafy veggies and other grains, nuts, etc).

I suspect your child will be better off without the milk/cheese/dairy products. There's a lot of money that is used to market these products as nutritious but they really don't do much good, especially if you are allergic!  

Good luck!
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