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Red Dye #40

I'm thinking I might be allergic to Red dye #40...I ate a bunch of cotton candy before bed (I know, bad idea!)...and then I woke up in the morning with a rough itchy palate and a strange feeling around my lips. My lips themselves were not itchy, they just felt weird - kinda swollen, but it itched around the outside of my lips.

Then I got a super small blister on my top lip...it never got bigger or oozed, it just ended up going away after a few days. My tastebuds also got sorta inflamed on the top and sides of my tounge.

Does anyone know what this could be???
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918441 tn?1243403649
Was it only pink cotton candy? You could be allergic to cane sugar.

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Yea, I think it was only pink cotten candy...the ingredients were Flossine (which I guess is sugar) and red #40. I looked up flossine allergies and found nothing.

After research over the last week or so...I have learned A LOT about acidity/alkaline...I am thinking it could have been a reaction from my body being too acidic. There are SOOOO many diseases that occur due to one's body being too acidic...and it's VERY easy to become this way, which is the scary part.
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