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I am really allergic to all sulfa, sulfate, sulfites. I need to get off of these as much as possible and it is in everything! Food, meds, and other various things. Anyone have a website that could help me with this or other that resources?
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209987 tn?1451935465
I'm in the same boat as you.
I try to avoid sulfa drugs, ( ask pharmacist for a list ) onions, garlic, and eggs.
These have the highest levels.
I can't even eat things made from eggs...such as bread.

I thought it was a gluten thing...but ... I spent a fortune on gluten free this, that, and the other thing...and still got sick.
Started experimenting and found that it's those things listed above, and milk that do me in.
There are some shampoos and facial creams that contain sulfur ( which is not the same as sulfa )...so I avoid medicated shampoos and pimple creams.
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Thank you for your advice. I am working on removing everything in you diet such as all the above. It is tough bit getting there and feeling better!
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168348 tn?1379357075
Good Luck and please keep posting!

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