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When i drink alcohol i ALWAYS get cold-like symptoms the next day?? Surely this can't be right?

I'm 19 years old, and i enjoy going out with my friends on the weekend having a few drinks. I really enjoy doing this but now i find that i don't want to because everytime i drink, i always wake up with cold-like symptoms the next day. I get really bad cold symptoms, runny nose, sneezing, bad sinus conjestion etc. It's really having an effect on my social life, i don't need to drink of course, but i enjoy it and i don't want to have to stop because i feel so ill the next day, i don't think this is normal and want to find out if anyones had the same effects or knows what it might be? I was leading towards thinking its an allergy or some kind maybe? Who knows, but it's putting me off going out whenever alcohol is involved! Not to mention making me lose a day afterwards! :(
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She said that some people are just sensitive to alcohol unfortunatley and it makes them conjested, giving them cold-like symptoms. the most common drinks that causes it are red win and brandy, but i don't drink those, but she said it can happen with any alcohol, no cure unfortunatley.
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1475202 tn?1536270977
Did the doctor confirm what I said? hrmmmm?
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Oh great :/ haha
Well i'm going doctors this afternoon anyway, so i'm going to ask him just to try and find out what's going on. I have pretty much drank alcohol every other weekend since i turned 18, so that's probably why it's damaged my immune system so much, haha
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1475202 tn?1536270977
Well it looks like you can never drink again. Sorry! ha ha

Wow if only I would've had that problem I wouldn't have end stage cirrhosis. You can have a lot of fun with your friends without drinking if not maybe find some new friends!

Maybe try drinking less since I suspect its nothing more than a really bad hangover. Drink responsibly.

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144586 tn?1284666164
Alcohol depresses the immune system, making one prone to catch bugs. I suspect your immune system is not in good shape to begin with, so the alcohol becomes the "straw that breaks the camel's back".
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