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allergy, intolerance, colitis?

11 years ago- colonoscopy: found nothing, declared diarrhea to be due to ibs.  Eliminated triggers: dairy, caffiene, high fat.  For years- saving grace was carbs.  BUT I still had bouts of diarrhea and was never really normal.  (Note: stomach was always flat, unless I overate and bm would quickly shrink back stomach).

December 2009- bad abdominal pains: ultrasounds found a bunch of cysts but my doc. said they are not large enough to be causing pain.  Weight: 128.  (Note: highest in 15 years.)

Big Change...

Feb 2010- people are telling me i look really skinny.  Stepped on scale, 120 pounds (lowest weight in 15 years).  Horrible stomach distention and pain, No matter what I eat or drink.  when I wake up stomach is somewhat flat, but still pudgy.  After ingesting anything, it balloons, 2-3 months pregnant / no relief.


Blood- protein levels off, low iron and b12, celiac test just a little off (but not true indicator that I have the disease, I am told).

Colonscopy / endoscopy- biospy for celiac (negative).  Found mast cells- h2 allergy cells, which dr said was 'strange'.  Said I must just have ibs, and told me to take pepcid for mast cells, but didn't address why I have them.

2nd opinnion- gastroenterolgist said he would have said celiac, but saw biopsy was negative.  He was about to dismiss me as ibs and give me pills.  Then when I inquired about the mast cells, only then did he actually read my report (and his eyes bulged).  He said it appears I might have colitis and put me on pepto for 2 months- then I should call him to give update.

Skin allergy test- minor (level 1) only allergic to corn, walnuts and celery, significant (level 2) fish allergies- I don't even eat fish though

Please help!!  I feel like i'm wasting away, and stomach is always in pain and bloated.  I am forced to associate eating with pain now.

I went off gluetin for 1 week, and didn't notice results but then ate it again when biopsy was negative.  I am planning to go off it again for as long as I can, on my own accord.  I feel it is the only hope I have now, but it will be hard because I can't eat any milk product, and high fat foods (beacuse of the ibs) hurt my stomach so I have to eat in moderation.

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  I would recommend you look up the Metametrix lab website, and find a practitioner in your area who uses their tests, and knows how to interpret them. My son had the Microbial Ecology Profile (easy stool test). This test can identify pathogenic bacteria, such as H. pylori, E. Coli, various Clostridia species, etc; parasites, intestinal yeast/fungal infection (highly likely), probiotic levels, and much more.

Metametrix has an IgG4 Food Antibodies test (90 Antigens), extremely accurate for identifying hidden food allergies and sensitivities.

You might also benefit from their urine Organic Acids Test, which would show you how well your protein, carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism is working. It would be up to your doctor (or nutritionist) to know which test would be most beneficial to find the true cause of your weight loss, pain etc. Finding the right practitioner is crucial.

In the meantime, try a strong probiotic supplement, and something soothing to the gut, such as Slippery Elm ( from health food store ).

I hope you find relief soon!

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1340994 tn?1374193977
I'm thinking celiac disease, and you might have allergy to other foods also.  Turns out I can't have gluten, dairy or nuts.  But it's great to feel better.  Start taking vitamin supplements - especially vitamin D - 4000 mg.  
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