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food allergy?

I was eating a salad yesterday, same salad I've been eating all week. dressing, chicken lettuce all the same. But yesterday when i started eating it my throat started hurting severly and swelling up and my jaw started hurting. My husband gave me a benedryl and it went away becuase he thought it might be a food allery. After about 20 minutes or so after taking the benedryl i was able to finish eating the salad with no problems. Does anyone know what may have caused this? I dont have any food allergies that i am aware of. Does this sound like one or is it possible something else caused this.
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Informative post, A food allergy is an adverse immune response to a food protein. A protein in the food is the most common allergic component. These kinds of allergies occur when the body's immune system mistakenly identifies a protein as harmful. These reactions can range from mild to severe.
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The symptoms could be due to food allergy. Up to 20% of the population perceive themselves as suffering from food allergy but only 1-2% of adults have genuine food allergies. The most common culprits are peanuts, milk, eggs, soya and shellfish. You will have to observe if repeated consumption is causing this problem. However, the diagnosis of allergy is difficult to prove or refute. Clinical suspicion and trial of elimination diets are used. An allergy specialist might be able to help you. He may identify the allergen and help to desensitize you.

Hope This Helped and Do Keep Us Posted!!
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