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I am 24 and have been experiencing chronic headaches for 9 months. The frequency and severity of these headaches has become much worse and I am concerned. The headaches occur at least 5 times each week, and range from a 2/10 (which I won't take pain meds for) to an 8/10 (at which time I realize that I must take 3 ibruprofen to get it under control). I saw my doctor about this in september. The only answer I received was that it was likely tension headaches, caused by stress, and that they would subside if I could control my stress levels. I called back in October, when the pain was so constant and unbearable that it was compromising my ability to perform at school. After coaxing, the doctor had me get a CT scan, which came back normal. In November I had x-rays done by another physician; they too were normal. She suggested I see a chiropractor. I am very concerned because in the past three weeks, I have had pain all but 5 days. The only way to stop the pain is to take ibruprofen, and sometimes I have to ice the back of my head for 30 minutes or more. I have noticed that I get a mild headache when I exercise, which makes me concerned. I recently graduated, and no longer have insurance. Any suggestions?
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I too quit having headaches when I began avoiding dairy foods--and my acne cleared up. The headaches usually come 24-48 hours after I've eaten the dairy product, which can make it hard to figure out at first.

Sometimes if I've been good about not eating any dairy for weeks I can sneak in a little raw milk cheese without getting a headache. Most of the time I can tolerate the milk in the milk chocolate of a candy bar once a week or so, and cultured butter, if I don't overdo it, is also OK. It's really hard avoiding diary--I find it harder than avoiding wheat, which I also do--at least with wheat you can throw out the word celiac, which most people have heard of.

And although it sounds like your doctors are using "stress" as a catch-all for problems they can't explain, it couldn't hurt to look into mediation and stress reduction. Is there a Mind/Body program anywhere near you that your insurance might cover? Good luck.
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I had SEVERE headaches for years, so that I eventually was unable to work.  Got MRI's, put on lots of heavy duty drugs, became very depressed.   Turned out it was a milk allergy.  As soon as I stopped drinking milk, by headaches disappeared, never to return.  So amazingly simple!  Do an Elimination Diet to check out the foods you are eating to see if one of them is triggering your headaches.  Remember, your body/s rxn may be delayed, even until the next day  Good luck with your detective work--i hope you find some answers!
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I strongly suggest you post this on the forum I directed you to.

Hopefully you will get the help you need.

Being a migraine sufferer myself, I feel for you.
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Rebound headaches occur when your body "adjusts" to pain medication, and overcompensates when the pain killer wears off. I have had a couple of weeks where I had 3 consecutive days when I had no headaches following a long period of having them. In these situations, I do no experience symptoms the day after taking several ibruprofen. When I could go without pain killers, I did, sometimes for a few days, then with no warning, back to square one. Also, if pain meds make this worse, what are my options, as symptoms continue escalating until I intervene with meds?
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It sounds as if you may be suffering from rebound headaches.

You might want to try and post this in the Migraine/Headache Forum where you are more apt to get your question answered.

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