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7729616 tn?1393795492

Allergic to dairy?

Hi, I was dx Hashimoto's in January this year and an alternative nutritionist diagnosed me with dairy intolerance. She recommended I drink rice milk, almond milk and lactose-free milk to relieve my symptoms.

However, I have since been under the impression that it could be a dairy allergy rather than intolerance as I still get digestive upset when drinking the lactose-free milk and it's a very sudden reaction, which occurs within 20-30 minutes. I have drank normal milk as I get very little reaction when having it with tea but a bigger reaction when having it in a latte due to higher milk content.

Soon after drinking milk with tea this morning my throat is now sore and I have developed "bumps" on my neck. They were not there before and I had some flatulence, too. I am now very certain that this is an allergic reaction to milk/dairy/casein as I have learned that allergic reactions take a shorter time to occur than that of intolerance.

Any help would be appreciated. :)
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Hi there,

You're lucky I came across your post. A dear friend of mine was diagnosed
with Hashimotos last year.  She told me that her doctor stated that according to the results of her blood tests for food sensitivity, she should not be
consuming any dairy products, no products with casein in them such as
cheese, no products with glutin , no wheat products.  Blood tests also determined she was to have no night shades.  Examples of night shades
are potatoes, tomatoes, egg plant. There may be other night shades but
these are the ones I'm aware of.  She does not drink any milk of any kind
including lactose free milk.  She only drinks rice mild and almond milk.
Based on your comments, I don't think it's advisable to drink any milk
in any quantity. You said after drinking milk this morning you have a sore
throat and you have bumps on your neck. This does sound to me like an
allergic reaction to the milk you drank.
You said you were diagnosed with Hashimotos in January of this year?
Was this discovered through blood tests ?  A helpful thing too is to goggle
Hashimotos and see what other things you can learn from the websites.
Your nutritionist should be able to help you put together a new food plan.
I wish you luck.   Eve
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Hi Mynx537,

I'm glad you found my suggestions helpful. Yes, my friend is lucky because
her doctor is complementary based as well and very knowledgeable on the
subject of Hashimoto's disease. I wish you well.   Eve
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7729616 tn?1393795492
Hi!! Thanks for your reply. :)

Sorry to hear about your friend but she's very lucky. I was not so lucky with my doctor as they didn't advise me to cut out dairy or lactose and they didn't even test me for allergy/intolerance.

Yes, I was diagnosed Hashimoto's this year in January after much of a runaround with my doctors saying it was just hypothyroidism. This was discovered through blood tests. I have the results here for you if you would like to see.

January 2013

Thyroid Autoantibodies - 84kIU/L (no range and no idea which ones, sorry)
TSH - 0.69 (0.2-4.2)

May 2013

TSH - 22 (0.2-4.2)
FT4 - 10.9 (10-22)
(put on thyroxine)

Aug 2013

TSH - 4 (0.2-4.2)

Nov 2013

TSH - 4.3 (0.2-4.2)
FT4 - 15.3 (10-22)
FT3 - 5.5 (3.1-6.8)

Dec 2013

TSH - 4.6 (0.2-4.2)
FT4 - 15.6 (10-22)
Anti-TPO antibodies - 41 kIU/L (0-34)

Jan 2014

TSH - 2.7 (0.2-4.2)

Feb 2014

TSH - 3.6 (0.2-4.2)

Mar 2014

TSH - 1.87 (0.2-4.2)
FT4 - 16.6 (10-22)
FT3 - 4 (3.1-6.8)
Anti-TPO antibodies - 33.5 (0-34)
Anti-TG antibodies - 103.5 (0-115)

Yes, the nutritionist put me a food plan together when I saw her in March but she diagnosed me with dairy intolerance and not milk allergy. This was done through muscle tests (she is complementary-based). I was a bit skeptical of this as there were no blood tests done that confirmed it.

Thanks for your help. :)
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