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1447814 tn?1284735457

5 Year old on Vyvanse

My son has had alot of touble at daycare and pre-school. He has now just started kindergarten but is very hyper active and suffers from some anger problems. He has been seeing a Dr. for the last 3 months who now says he is ADHD and the want to put him on Vyvanse. I just want to hear what anyone has to say about it and if they have a child with ADHD or similar behaviors please share. I have not started the meds but suppose to start tomorrow. The behavior at school has to stop he is getting behavioral forms sent home everyday. I dont know what else to do!
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You might find some help reading information on Dr. Amy Yasko's website.  
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Deciding to medicate your child is the hardest decision a parent can make, but it's a decision that has to be made sometimes. You know what's best for your child and don't let others make you feel bad about it. My 5yr old was diagnosed with ODD when he was 3yrs old. At school he is very violent and doesn't listen at all and was kicked out of 2 preschools. We had behavioral specialists, changed his diet, did sleep routines and not a thing helped. We started him ok Tenex at 3 1/2 and it did wonders, but since he started Kindergarten it's gotten so much worse so he was recently put on risperidone for aggression at night and 1/2 tenex and Vyvanse in the morning. Like I said, it's a hard decision to make, but I know my child is a wonderful caring boy, and it breaks my heart to know that he thinks he's "bad" and no one likes him because he can't control himself. If medication can help, then I say do it. If it helps everyone else see how great he is, then I'm all for it. Don't let anyone scare you into thinking you are doing something wrong, or taking the "lazy" way out. What you are doing to hard and brave, you are doing what's best for YOUR child. I hope this helps a little.
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How's it working for you? Here's the thing some children need medication when they have chemical imbalances. It's better to balance these chemicals and lay healthier behavioural responses now. I was in denial about how severe my sins ADHD was until he almost took a child's  eye out calm as a cucumber. He did this because she took a block away that he was using to count. This is hyper focus also associated with ADHD. The impulsive behaviour often turns aggressive and a good specialist will tell you this is what ADHD looks like untreated. The longer he goes without getting the proper chemical balance which vabyanse can give him the harder it will be to retrain his brain in healthier responses. His self esteem will start to suffer. This is the worst part because the longer a child feels different and out if place and overwhelmed by his chemical imbalance the more likely he will reach out to other children who also feel this way and it can lead to illicit drug use. Parents will shame you blame you and degrade you but it isn't until you try it that you will know for sure. My son suffered immensely because I stayed in denial and made it about me and my parenting and what others might say. He suffered needlessly. When he is on his meds it's like a light switch goes off in his brain and he is able to let his gifts and true nature shine through because he's not just trying to cope he is able to thrive. Medication isn't a long term solution but it can have miraculous results that can help him lay a foundation for himself to acquire the tools he needs to cope with ADHD. No one wants to medicate their child it isn't the easy way out that ignorance and misinformed know I talks who don't understand the true science behind it and I pray they never have to see a child suffer the way I did before I finally put myself and my ego aside and allowed the medication to balance my child. Tell all these no medication people that when or if they get diabetes that they cannot have insulin try a better diet. That's ********.
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1447814 tn?1284735457
Well thank you. I will try the diet! I have choosen to stay away from the medicine... I think hard work on my part and some time will fix these "problems' thanks for all your help!
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757137 tn?1347196453
You are obviously a very conscientious mother. So here is another idea. Diet. Unless you have already done so, take him off sugary snacks, which would include sodas and bottled juices. And take him off junk foods and foods that have chemical additives. The sugar is inflammatory in more ways than one, and many people react very badly to additives.

Do you have other children? How does he get along at home and with relatives and friends? Does he only get out-of-control at school?

And now I am out of ideas....

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1447814 tn?1284735457
Thank you for all the feed back. Its not so much the hyper active behavior but the level of aggression, physically harming other child in his calss along with is teacher. He suffers from impulsive behavoirs which has become very hard for teahcers at daycare and kindergarten to controll. His Dr. claims that if he was not so hyper he would be able to control his anger. It has come to a point were he spends alot of time in the directors office at school b/c the teachers cant handle him. I have tryed everything from time out to talking quietly about it to taking things aways Nothing seems to work. But I am heart broken about the whole medicine thing...I am feeling somewhat against it. In some way I feel it will change who my son is.
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Some of the more serious side effects of drugs heart attacks, growth problems blood disorders, and psychosis.Travis Thompson, Ph.D, from the University of Minnesota and Klaus
R. Unna, M.D., from the University of Illinois reported that “perhaps the best-known effect of chronic stimulant administration is psychosis. Psychosis has been associated with chronic use of several stimulants: e.g., amphetamines, methylphenidate, phenmetrazine, and
cocaine.Children who are or have been on ADHD drugs have an increased risk of committing suicide.Even the American Psychiatric Association admits that suicide is the
major adverse reaction of withdrawal from these drugs. Clarke reports that “symptoms usually peak within two to four days after withdrawal of the drugs although depression and irritability may persist for months. Suicide risk can persist for years. Studies have shown that approximately 15 percent of the children on ADHD drugs will threaten, attempt, or
actually commit suicide by the age of 18.”
(from a National Institute for Mental Health study mentioned in Clarke’s essay):
46 percent of the children raised on these drugs are charged with at least one major felony by the time they reach 18  30 percent are charged with two or more such crimes by 18
years old 25 percent of these children are locked up in mental institutions or prisons by age 18 (remember that psychosis is a known side effect) 15 percent will threaten, attempt, or actually commit suicide by the age of 18
Susan Schenk, a psycho-pharmacologist from Texas A&M University, conducted
a study of 5,000 children with ADHD from adolescence to adulthood
and concluded that children treated with ADHD drugs are three times more
likely to develop a taste for cocaine.
I’m not denying that many, if not most, of today’s children are
hyperactive with a short attention span––and that it’s enough to drive
any levelheaded teacher to the brink of insanity. But can you really
blame the children? When their diets consist mainly of sugary stimulants
(soda, candy, fast food, you name it), it’s no wonder they’re
bouncing off the walls and are unable to concentrate! And when you add
that to the startling lack of discipline doled out by insecure parents
who just want to be “friends” with their children, teachers don’t look
quite so bad for wanting to take the easy route.
Most of the problems of these boisterous and aggressive children
(usually boys) can be solved by dietary modifications.

I’ll summarize it in one sentence: Eliminate all sugar and starch, sodas like Coke and Pepsi, and diet drinks, and feed your children and grandchildren a diet of animal fat and protein. If that’s not specific enough for you, read Nourishing Traditions
by Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price Foundation. google  Weston A. Price Foundation
to order the book.
For an in-depth look at what you and your children are up against
check out the following links:
Good luck

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google     the total transformation Program.
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757137 tn?1347196453
Your son is in an early developmental stage. He is too young for such a diagnosis and Vyvanse is a dangerous drug (look on the ADD/ADHD forum for horrifying info). Find another doctor, or sit back and wait for your child to grow up .Get him involved in anything that requires a lot of activity. Does he have a bicycle? Or a tricycle? He needs to be active. And try to get cooperation and help from the school, instead of criticism.

Also look to your own parenting. Through frustration, you may be inadvertently exacerbating his problems. Be patient and quiet with him. If he has tantrums, ignore him. If he is impolite, don't answer him. Never scream or yell. He is hyper already.

And don't get too upset. Some children can be a trial. Each of us has had one of them. They grow up to be lovely - without drugs.
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