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Allergic to Colds

Doctors have done tests but find that I'm allergic to nothing. But ever since i was a child, I've had an allergic reaction after getting a cold. At first we (me and my family) thought i could be allergic to a substance like paracetamol. But I've had colds without taking anything and still gotten it. The severity of the reaction vary from case to case but it always has about the same evolution.

It starts out with an itching rash on my elbows, then my knees. The rash can spread but it usually stays around joints. After a day or two when the rash is at it's worse my hands start swelling up until i cant flex my fingers anymore. This last for about 2 days, then my feet start swelling up until i can't walk in them anymore which also lasts for about 2 days. All in all i would say it lasts for a week.

It was more severe when i was younger and sometimes my face started having minor swellings, and in some rare cases my throat would swell up causing breathing problems.

After several years of trying to analyze the cause, I've come to e personal conclusion that it's linked to fever. Since I've had colds without getting the reaction i cases where i haven't experienced any fever. But I've never had a fever without a cold, so i can't be sure. It could also be that whatever causes the fever also causes the allergic reaction.

I have a cold right now and had a fever 4 days ago. The rash on my elbows just started.

I would just like to know if anyone has ever heard of this and what the exact cause could be.
Any information or insight would be helpful.

Thank you!
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242588 tn?1224271700
The best advice we can give is for you to see an academic immunologist at a university medical center.
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A related discussion, Allergic to common colds? was started.
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