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Allergies and Ear Ringing

I have tinnitus for almost 2 months now along with ear ache and ear popping when I swollow.  I was tested for allergies and have pet allergies and seasonal allergies.  I have been on Rhinocort, Zyrtec, and Singular.  Some of my allergies are being controlled like itchy eyes, congestion, and runny nose but the ear ringing, pain, clogging persists.   Since my medicine is addressing some issues but not all should I assume my ear problems are not allergies or is it possible my medicine just isn't covering all symptoms.    Should I consider shots as a next step?
3 Responses
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597906 tn?1219455059
I have a syndrome called minires witch is fliud build-up in the ear from allergic reactions that can cause ringing temporay loss of hearing and equilibreium problems like vertigo. Its not a syndrome that can easily be fixed if you have anymore symtoms like that you sould mention it to your doctor. They can percribe medication s to help blood flow in the ears buts ome meds can make asthma worse. I can't take anything for mine for that reason so i try to just live with it. Seach engine it if you want to know more hope it helped. : )
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242588 tn?1224271700
No, you should not assume that your ear problems are not due to allergies.  They may be, but tinnitus is not a symptom of allergies.  You should request consultation with an ENT specialist; one with a major interest in ear problems, especially the causes of tinnitus.  In the meantime, consideration of shots would be unwarranted.

Good luck.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I do believe differant Meds can start Tinnitus,and even continue after you stop the meds but the meds triggered it,since I was prescribed Meds a couple of years ago (never had it before) I have had a low whooshing Tinnitus ,worse whenh I wake up,it has never gone away, I hope yours does.
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