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Blood in mucous

I suffer from chonic allergies for years, this year it seems to be the worse ever. I get some streaks of blood when I blow my nose and also when  spit. I have so much post nasal drip. The blood is just a small streak or dot fom my mouth  and my nose and seems to happens after I blow my nose  and the drip starts. This is not happening every day and normally only once in the morning. That I noticed i never hads this before but notam checking all the time. This is going on for 2 months and i am sure it is post nasal  that i am spittng.

I went through allergy testing 2 times and shots for 5 years both times with no help. I have tried anti-histamine and they make me feel very nervous. I live in Pa.and in  the country. Our winter has been very cold, lots of snow storms and rain.

Thank you, Line
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I failed to mention that this year I  was blowing my nose more then ever and when my  allergies started getting bad, I had a very visable amount of blood from my nose  and than I started checking  my mucous, if I was not checking it I probably would never have noticed it, the spots are so small. my pnd is more  watery than mucous after I am awake for about 1 hour.
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242587 tn?1355424110
Your description of your chronic allergies “being worse than ever” suggests that the tissues in your nose and possibly your sinuses as well are more inflamed than usual and that would be a common cause of the very minimal amount of blood in your mucous.  If blood continues to appear when your allergies have quieted down, you should have a careful examination of your nose and throat.

Not all anti-histamine have the adverse side effect of nervousness.  Your doctor you be able to suggest one that is effective with minimal side effects such as the so-called Non-Sedating Antihistamines.  Another effective drug treatment would be an inhaled nasal steroid and these usually have minimal or no side effects.

Finally if the most troublesome of your allergies have been identified, you should do everything possible to avoid them and, if avoidance is not possible, to minimize your exposure and thus the amount of allergen you breathe in.

Good luck
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