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Chest Pain


I get a pain in the right hand side of my chest, either when I move or breate.
Sometimes if I repeat the movement which caused the pain, the pain is gone. But, if it repeat the same physical movement 30 seconds later the pain comes back.

Generally the heavier I breath the sorer the pain is.
It like a sharp darting pain.

This started in August 20th 2008, and is still occurring todays date - 234th November 08.
Please help as this is really worrying me.

2 Responses
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242588 tn?1224271700
Any new onset chest pain, that persists for more than 3 months definitely is a cause for concern.  Your description suggests that the pain may be originating, either in your chest and/or in the chest wall that includes the ribs, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and nerves that run between the ribs, but it could also be the pain of pleurisy.  For the good of your health and for peace of mind, you definitely should make an appointment to see your doctor, and do so soon.  You will need a good examination and a chest x-ray to start and your doctor may want to order other tests, on the basis of the exam or x-ray.

Please do not delay.

Good luck.
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Irish guy, I would first start out with seeing a chripropractor for an evaluation of your ribs - I have gone thru the same thing, sometimes these ribs (and in my case alot) get out of alignment just because of how you carry yourself (meaning wrong posture, weak core muscles, etc). My chriropractor pops them back in place and feels better. Im not saying this is the case with you but if you have been going this long with that, i highly doubt its a heart attack - but to rule things out you should see a cariologist if your that worried. But, I think i would start with a chriropractor to see if your ribs, chest and such are all in alignment. Bryan
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