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Child With Hives

My 7 year old daughter has hives that are on her thighs, buttocks, belly and upper arms.  
They are very itchy and have lasted for several weeks now.
She doesn't have any allergies that I'm aware of - and hasn't been in contact w extreme teps or anything foreign or new to her.
They are worse at night.
I keep thinking they are clearing up throughout the day, they get much lighter - then after sleeping she'll wake with bright red again.
I've cut out all histamine causing foods that I know of.
Any ideas???
3 Responses
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A related discussion, Constant breakouts was started.
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306245 tn?1244384967
could it be mold in hte house and that since she is getting better during the day might be because she is at school. I don't have an answer for you sorry, It is just a thought, but try keeping a diary of what she eats wears for clothes, it might be a dye in her jammies at night. anything could be possible. write down when she is worse  and when she is bettter maybe you can find the link
good luck
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242588 tn?1224271700
There are many documented causes of hives.  The exact cause is never found in a significant number of cases.  You should seek relief of your daughter's hives, with an antihistamine prescribed by her doctor who, knowing her and her medical history, may have a clue regarding the causative agent, food or other.  To learn more please read our hives (urticaria) information by copying and pasting this address


into the address window of your internet browser.  Share this information with your daughter’s doctor to see if she would benefit from any of this.
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