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Cold/Cough For Two Weeks

I need some suggestions.  I have been fighting what the DR are calling a viral infection for two weeks with only minor relief.  This all started with me feeling dizzy on a Sunday morning, then Monday I felt the some exact way.  Well Tuesday I woke with a very, very sore throat that I put off as just dry air.  Then Wednesday I woke up feeling no better and went to the nurse practitioner who ran a strep test which came back negative.  All she told me was to get sleep, drink lots of fluids and if not better in a few days call them.  So on Friday I called my DR. who wanted me to come back in.  I went back in they ran another strep test and a mono test, which both came back negative.  At the time I wasn't all that congested or coughing, just the sore throat and feeling like ****.  My DR prescribed Hydroco, so I could sleep.  Now on Saturday my Neighbor came over to check on me, he checked my lungs and found that my Lower Left Lung was very tight. (He is a Paramedic for 20 years).

Almost a week later I only have the sore throat in the evening and the morning, but now I cough so hard I dry heeve. Also when I cough the front of my head and the back right side hurt so bad it brings tears to my eyes.  I usually only cough in the evenings and mornings the most, mainly when I try to take a deep breath.  I only cough something up once in a while not very often. I have not been taking the Hydroco (neighbor thought was a bad idea for me to take it) only taking NightQuil.  As for cough drop they only help while I have them.

I was just wondering how thing I should let this go on before I call my DR or how long it’s going to last.  The pain the back of my head is probably the most painful thing right now and I just not sure what to do about it.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  
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Thanks for you reply.  I havn't had a fever since the first few days.  The coughing is still going on.  Sometimes I have to bend over just so my chest and head don't feel like they are going to blow off.(not fun)  I called my Doctor yesterday and finally got a return call today from his nurse.  He told her that it hasn't been long enough yet and I need to give it some time, but if not better by next week then call back.  The recommended over the counter cough stuff which I took the first week and a half until it upset my stomach, so they prescribed "teflon pearals." (Hope they work.)  I figured if not better by Monday I will call the office again and see if I can get somewhere.  The coughing doesn't seem to be getting any better only more pain and more often.  I use to only cough at night and morning now I cough during the day also.  Breathing and talking still seem to make things worse.

Thanks Again for the Help and let me know what else you think.
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387767 tn?1345872027
Hi, I had a sinus/cold thing for 3 months, I still have it as a matter of fact.  I did take antibiotics, but it is lingering.  Do you have allergies?  I know that I cough from post-nasal drip, which is really annoying.  A sore throat in the morning and evening could be from this drip.  That's when mine seems worse.

I really don't know what to do either.  Sometimes it helps to take an antihistamine, although they do dry you out.
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242588 tn?1224271700
You should arrange to see your doctor again and have a blood count and chest x-ray.  This could be influenza and influenza can involve pneumonia.  The pain in the back of your neck is most likely from hard coughing, but that too could be a sign of infection, especially if it is accompanied by a stiff neck.  Also, most viral infections at least begin to subside in 2 weeks and, the fact that your illness has not resolved, especially if you continue to have fever, suggests that this is not a viral infection.

Good luck.
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